Claiming on recently arranged home insurance



I renewed home insurance 2 weeks ago (changing from my previous insurer to a new one). Then this weekend I had a pipe leak and the first guy to see it has said my floors are going to have to be replaced in 2 rooms. Before I phone the insurer it would be good to know if there is a minimum period of time that the policy needs to be active before I can make a claim. I'll check the terms an conditions but I was hoping someone might be able to offer general advice - e.g. does the insurer have something like a "cooling off period" whereby they can refuse a claim on a very recent policy? I doubt it but it would be good to know where i stand.
depends on when leak occurred. If the leak is ongoing over period and would have commenced when previous insurer was on cover, then previous insurer would have to pay a contribution. AFAIK, the current insurer must deal with the claim and chase up the previous guys. If the leak was a sudden one, occurring since you took ou the policy, then current insurer will deal in full. if there is a short perios sonce taking out policy and the notification of claim, curent insurer will want to be sure that (a) you were previously insured and (b) when the leak occurred. They will not pay if you took out the policy after you noticed the leak.
From the details you have given, it would appear that your current insurer would indemnify you for the claim. This cooling off or 'excess' period as it is known in travel and other insurance would not be effective in this case.
Thanks guys. Leak was a one off and occured since the new insurance was taken out so should be ok. Incidently I have since discovered that the word "accidental" is key to have for home insurance. Luckily this was standard on my policy but i'll be checking it is included in any future renewals. Cheers.