Claiming legal services (aid) - financial statement query.

nutty nut

Registered User
Im about to apply for free legal services or legal aid as its sometimes called and the application form has 2 sections to be completed in relation to my financial situation. The first section is straight forward enough as it has to do with details of income but its the other section Im not sure about.

This section is titled "statement of capital" and is broken into 2 parts:
1. Capital resources (other than a person's home) e.g. car, other property.
2. Loans/debts/mortgages (other than a person's home)

In relation to no. 1 what else am I supposed to include other than a car?
And with regards to no.2 I dont really understand what is meant by "other than a persons home" yet it asks for details of the mortgage.

Has anyone ever completed these forms before or been in a similar situation and could offer some advice. Id really appreciate any help or suggestions.
Thanks for that.

I only have the one property (family home) but I note that I wont get legal aid if I have a means of more than €4000. My car is worth about 10 grand so does anyone know what I can put down as debt against this in order to get it below the figure.

Just for the record there would still be a loan of about €3000 in relation to the car and the outstanding balance of the mortgage is about €7000 but if Im not allowed to put down an amount in respect of the family home what else can I claim.

When I got legal aid many years ago they just ignored I had a car, I was told so long as it is not a Ferrari or some other sports car they did not care.

I doubt a car counts as means to be perfectly honest.
Unfortunately they make specific reference to it on the form now as I mentioned above- "1. Capital resources (other than a person's home) e.g. car, other property."