claiming insurance off neighbour



I have had my house up for sale and it was unoccupied. My next door neighbour has has a major water leak and water has permeated into my side of the house and has damaged floor boards and caused them to bow and lift. I will have to get them ripped up replaced and dry out affected rooms. Can I claim off my neighbours insurance as my own insurance wont cover the damage as we were unable to insure it for water damage while house was unoccupied.
Of course you can but i would suggest you get a good loss assessor to help you out!
I am a loss assessor and unless you can prove that your neighbour was negligent you will not be able to claim against his policy.
Of course you can but i would suggest you get a good loss assessor to help you out!

Dealt with a similar claim recently and no you can't claim off their insurance, unless you can prove negligence by your neighbour.
I agree with the pessimists

Seriously though, if you could find out a little more about what exactly happened to cause the leak and the ingress to your property you might be able to raise a stateable case. If the leak was just a chance event then you would seem to be without remedy.