Claiming back VAT on Purchase


Registered User
A Small local business asked me to order them a computer and a printer online as thye do not have a credit card,I went and did so and the computer and printer is being delivered to me this week - since I am not a business or registered for vat can the local business claim the vat back on this purchase?
They need a valid VAT invoice, made out to them in order to claim the VAT refund. It appears that that is not possible in this case.
Why not ask the internet supplier to issue a vat invoice in the name of your client ?

The main requirement for reclaiming vat is that there is :

1) a valid vat invoice
2) The goods in question are being used in the business.

It's not always necessary that the invoice is in the name of the customer.
A vat invoice in the name of an employee of the customer or an agent of the customer will also suffice as long as the requirements in 1 & 2 above are met