Claim??maybe not!!



Hi everyone,
I work for the HSE and about 6years ago i was sent by occupation health for my BCG, which i agreed to do. I've a very red and raised mark left on my arm even though it is 6 years later. Id like to get treatment on it as its quiet ugly. I'm a young girl and it is very distressing i always cover it up.
Can i ask the HSE to pay for this or would i just be wasting my time
Im 29, now so i probably should of said young woman..
Depends, did you also sue the state for the marks left after your childhood/adolescent injections?

Employers cannot force employees to have innoculations, they make them available. You decided to have it and the BCG is known to leave a mark on the arm.
The Statute of Limitations for personal injuries is two years. Your claim would be statute barred.
This is a medical issue "... Id like to get treatment on it... " and discussion of medical issues / treatments is not allowed by moderators.

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