Claim from Quinn Direct for water damage


Registered User
I have been told by a tradesman that my bath should be turned around since water is pooling at the back of it (under the shower) and has leaked downstairs to the hall. When I discovered this last August, 3 months after buying the house, I put up a plastic covering to stop this continuing and it's only now I've had the time to get the situation checked out. The ceiling in the hall has staining since before I moved in but this wasn't picked up by the surveyor. Anyway, I rang Quinn yesterday and they sent around an assessor this morning who asked questions and took photos. She said it's a 'grey' area since I inherited the problem and there's no guarantee they will pay to fix it. Has anyone been in a similar predicament? I'll hear on Monday either way but am already preparing myself for the worst.
I hope you didn't tell the assessor that you found the problem 9 months ago! If they don't cover it (and if you said that they probably won't) your next port f call would be the surveyors for missing it. They should have professional indemnity to insure themselves against this. Again though you have harmed your case by not acting on the problem as son as you found it. The damage may be covered but the cost of moving the bath won't be.