Civil Suit


Registered User
Hi all

Received civil suit that i do not intend defending. A little confused re entering an appearance - do I still have to lodge form with court or just contact plantiffs solicitor?

You need to give a little information for any sensible response.

What are you saying?

The civil suit is warranted? Unwarranted? You are responsible/not responsible for what is being claimed? You can't afford to defend?

If you fail to deal with the proceedings, a judgment will be marked in default and there will be a judgment against you. If you do deal with the proceedings but you have no defence you will have additional costs.

Just pay off the person what is owed - then you avoid having a Judgment entered against you.

A judgment is a public record and will likely affect your credit rating.
sorry its a civil bill - I owe the money, hands up, cant pay it at moment would do if could

My question was do I need to contact civil court to lodge appearance OR do I just contact plantiffs solicitor?
if anyone can help me here Id appreciate it - basically do I "make an appearance" even though I am not denying th debt?

My question was do I need to contact civil court to lodge appearance OR do I just contact plantiffs solicitor?

You either:

1. Pay the money owed or reach some agreement in relation to same.

2. Enter an Appearance and defend the matter yourself or instruct a solicitor to do so on your behalf, but be warned this will increase the plaintiff's legal costs for which you will be liable if you lose.

3. You do nothing and a judgment is entered against you, you then pay up or face the various legal enforcement procedures that the plaintiff will utilise.
what are the various legal enforcement procedures that the plaintiff can utilise?
Surely you have engaged a solicitor of your own at this stage - what do they say?