Civil Service on-line application tests


Registered User
A work colleague of mine is going for a job in the civil service and submitted an application a few months ago. They've requested him to do online tests. He's wondering if people know anything about them. They're testing the following:
1. Verbal Reasoning
2. Numerical Reasoning
3. Situational Judgement

Anyone ever taken the tests and know anything about them. He gets one go at doing a pre-test but would prefer to swat up them in his own time as well.

It sounds like it’s the current Open Competition for Assistant Principal - there’s a very long running thread in the Work & Jobs forum on, it started for a 2018 competition but that has run on into the current one: (I’m on a phone so not sure if that link will work on a PC).

If it’s not that competition, there probably is a thread running for the one he’s doing, and in any event there’s a good bit of discussion about those aptitude tests in the various threads for AO and AP competitions...
1. Verbal Reasoning
Basically a test of your verbal IQ

2. Numerical Reasoning
Basically a test of your numerical IQ.

3. Situational Judgement
This is an odd one. You get a series of questions about what you would do in various public-service type scenarios. Stuff like: "It's 6 on a Friday, your boss asks you to have a 5,000 word draft on her desk on Monday. Do you a) spend all weekend doing it; b) refuse to do it; c) look for an extension; d) look for help from other colleagues". These are scaled on a grade of more to less appropriate. It is very hard to know what the right answer is for these questions. I know people who score worse on these the more public service experience they have. To my knowledge these questions have never been back-tested against actual performance in public service

So to sum up: it's very hard to study for 1 or 2. A chat with someone who's done a lot of tests will give you a feel for what will come up in 3.