cirrus or visa?



Hi looking for advise about whether to use a cirrus banklink card or visa for withdrawals throughout asia.i am going backpacking in march and haven't a clue how to handle the money situation.Any advise is greatly appreciated thanks
Compare the Cirrus charges with those applicable when accessing money via your credit card. Withdrawing money from a credit card preloaded with money (before travelling or as you go via online banking) will probably be the most cost effective way to access money abroad (outside the € zone). However you need to check the terms & conditions of your card to see what would be the situation if your card was stolen or security compromised with money in the account (e.g. would that money be covered if accesses fraudulently). You also need to be careful when accessing online banking in internet cafes etc. Probably worth checking for their cost surveys on credit cards and current accounts (which may also cover Cirrus charges). And for tips on card security. There are lots of existing threads about how best to access money while travelling.
I would agree with ClubMan. With BOI Cirrus charges are 3.5% ( min charge of €2.54 max €17.50) when used outside the eurozone.
I would recommend preloading your Cr Card but make sure you are registered for online banking before you go so you can keep an eye on your a/c's. Instead of putting one large lump sum into your CC I would drip-feed it in online as needed.
Also make sure you bring the banks emergency phone no's with you in case your cards are stolen etc. Your bank should have a little card with these no's that you can put with your travel documents.