CIE Works Inchicore: future development?



Hi all,

I'm a first time buyer thinking of buying a house in the CIE Works area of Inchicore. Have wandered down there on foot a few times and have convinced myself that it's quiet and hassle-free...I hope?!I was wondering though if anyone knows what the story is with the actual CIE Works grounds themselves. There appears to be a huge amount of land there and I don't know how much of it is actively used by CIE? Am concerned that the place could be zoned for mass development in the future, thereby completing changing the nature of the place. Have tried looking up Dublin City Council planning stuff on-line but found it very unwieldy and couldn't really find any useful information. Any up-to-date local knowldege would be very welcome!
Have a look at the councils framework plan

[broken link removed]

There are two specific documents to deal with the CIE lands.
Hi there,
I live in the CIE Works and it really is a great place to live. A few years ago we residents defeated a move to rezone part of the CIE Works for residential use. CIE asked for nine acres of its land to be rezoned and the planners actually marked off 18 acres for rezoning on the last draft development plan. However, after a vigorous campaign, we got the councillors to overturn the rezoning and the works remain zoned industry in the current plan.

However, it's only a matter of time before this situation changes. The city is marching up from Heuston with its 16 and 32 storey buildings and we next in line. Only the fact that CIE is such a sleepy organisation has saved this historic district from being ruined years ago.

Personally, I'm not against development but you from past experience we've been lumbered with hundreds of poor-quality dormitory apartments on the other side of the village, so I wouldn't be too optimistic. There's a lack of family type accommodation for people to move up to in the area but I doubt they would permit low densities.

Who knows, maybe nothing will happen for years, or maybe it is. Either way, this remains a hidden gem, even if no-one in authority cares about us.
Don't bother with the council documents mentioned in the previous poster's mail; these related to CIE's land around Heuston, not in Inchicore.
Cheers for that, Kybosh. That's very useful info to know-as you say though, it does seem to be only a matter of time before land like that, so close to the city centre, gets developed. There again, development usually brings positive things but I really think it could utterly change the character of a place like that. At the risk of sounding neurotic, there is no major crime/vandalism issue, is there? Back a few years ago, friends of mine rented a house on the North Tce near the pedestrian gate to Sarsfield Rd. and they had constant trouble with car break-ins and ultimately a house break-in which was the final straw. I've been told that it's no longer an issue...I'm hoping that's true???
We have recently moved from the North Terrace. We moved in there about 9 years ago and to be honest, like your friends we experienced similar difficulties with cars being broken into and vandalisim to electronic gates etc... but, in the past 3-4 years or so things have settled down substantially. The Residents Association has reformed and there are alot of decent people on it trying to get all sorts done. Its a good location for town-M50 etc.. but, for us our Family increased in size and we bought a house further out the road! Best of luck with your decision and if you would like to ask any further questions -no probs.
hey there
we recently moved from CIE works as well and have to sayn we never had a car break in etc.. never really experienced any hassle apart from a flower box which went missing years ago! There was nothing suitable to move up in the area and to be honest we miss the place. Great neighbours, real sense of community, close to town and the park. We live somewhere "posher" now but dont think we will ever have neighbours as nice again!
I live in the C.I.E. works and it's a great place to live. The C.I.E. Residents Association is very active. Lots of urban professionals with young families live here. Some of the houses have very large rear gardens. I very much doubt if there will be any future residential development, unless it is of the low density detached or semi-detached type. There is only one road in and out so the area would not be able to sustain any high density development.