Christmas, what a crock.

I enjoy Christmas but I do recognise that many people find it a difficult/lonely/stressful time of the year. They're not all 'moaners' you know.

This may be a dumb question, but just to clarify - she declined your kind offer and sent you off on your own? Were there any kids around at that stage?
No, comrade, this was pre-child -about 20 years ago. Once kid came along we put up Xmas decorations ,tree, and I went along with the whole thing -preparing snacks for the reindeers etc etc.
Now child is 18 yr and Xmas means going out with friends to clubs and parties, so i'm sinking back into my pre-child Xmas depression.

On a side note she blames me for creating doubt re Santa Claus .

She wanted a go-kart. We got the best. She hardly used it. One day ,without thinking ,I said "what a pity you don't use this considering how much trouble we went to searching and then assembling it."
"What do you mean Dad? Father Xmas brought it. Didn't he? Dad, did Father Xmas bring it...?"
Having just learned there was no Tooth Fairy and because of my mumbling response
she was quick to ask " Is there a Father Christmas ? "
I'm sure doubts had already been raised by her school friends -not aided by my stuttering unconvincing response, because she answered her own question "There isn't is there ?"
And ,then ,scariest of all comments .."I'm telling Mum you said there's no Father Xmas" (which I had'nt actually said)
Followed by
" What about This post will be deleted if not edited immediately ?"

I presume you spilled the beans on the whole This post will be deleted if not edited immediately thing as well then.
I presume you spilled the beans on the whole This post will be deleted if not edited immediately thing as well then.

Im totally shocked that you are comparing This post will be deleted if not edited immediately to the Tooth Fairy and Santa!!!

Santa and the Tooth Fairy give you REAL presents.
My reply was somewhat akin to that given by North Koreans ( And on the same basis -fear ). "Ask Mummy -The Dear Leader knows everything".
I wouldn't go as far as hating it but I do dislike the forced cheeriness, the expectation that everyone should be whooping with delight at the sight of a bit of tinsel.

I just wish people would consider that it can be a dreadful time of year for others. My father in law passed away 25 years ago the week before christmas and my mother in law was told on Friday she has liver cancer, she was called miserable by a relative on Sunday for not putting up a tree.( Granted the relative didn't know about the cancer but they knew it was the anniversary of her husband's passing) I had 2 close relatives die on Christmas and St Stephens Day.

One thing that does really irritate me is being telling you how stressed out they are with finding presents/doing the shopping...It comes round EVERY year..plan ahead and stop making such a big deal of doing a bit of shopping!

I do enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, it's a good time to relax and enjoy people's company.

Your kids trust you and you tell them lies about Santa.
If you look at Bible chronology you will find that This post will be deleted if not edited immediately was not born Christmas day.
I would rather have the 10 days holiday in the summer when the evenings are lighter and I can go somewhere nice, instead of trying to get to relatives in the bad weather you're getting 10 days holidays & still moaning about it..... do you work in the public service by any chance!
Roker says - This post will be deleted if not edited immediately was not born on Xmas Day.

However, detailed theological study reveal that Mary and Joseph deliberately chose to have This post will be deleted if not edited immediately on Xmas Day thus avoiding having to buy two sets of presents every year, a very wise decision for a poor Jewish couple. you're getting 10 days holidays & still moaning about it..... do you work in the public service by any chance!

And you're on a thread about Christmas and you still find an opportunity to moan about the Public Service! Are you a 'deluded about your wonderfulness' private sector worker by any chance?
Lucky people who get ten days holidays. I'm back in work tomorrowl

Yea, leave the public sector alone.
I always thought Santa must be a public sector employee; he sleeps most of the year but when he does work he thinks he overshadows This post will be deleted if not edited immediately Christ.

My mother has the best solution for the question is there a Santa Claus.

"Children who don't believe in Santa don't get any presents"

Amazing how long they can hold out for! crack me up.

(EDIT...Regarding the reason for the thread I also hate Christmas and have done for years.)
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Yea, leave the public sector alone.
I always thought Santa must be a public sector employee; he sleeps most of the year but when he does work he thinks he overshadows This post will be deleted if not edited immediately Christ.

Funny, that's why I always thought he worked in the Private Sector.

Puffed up ego; lets the parents do the work while he struts around taking the credit; only shows up at the most inconvenient hour of the day. Definitely private sector.
It must be psychological -maybe connected to this SAD darkness thing - but now that Xmas has passed and I've just come back from the weekend in Bombay (Well, Birmingham actually but where I was you couldn't tell the difference) I feel like a prisoner released from a month of Noelish torture.

I'm in a good mood and am wishing everyone peace and goodwill on earth (or as my religious Greek mum would embarrasingly pronounce it to her neighbours - I wish you all p**s on earth).

To celebrate my post Xmas glee my wife and I are going on a nice holiday. I'm going to Florida. I don't know where she's going.
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Funny, that's why I always thought he worked in the Private Sector.

Puffed up ego; lets the parents do the work while he struts around taking the credit; only shows up at the most inconvenient hour of the day. Definitely private sector.

Surely he comes at a convenient time, when the kids are in bed? If he was meant to come during the day time, how would you get them to believe??
Funny, that's why I always thought he worked in the Private Sector.

Puffed up ego; lets the parents do the work while he struts around taking the credit; only shows up at the most inconvenient hour of the day. Definitely private sector.

Not to mention he produces the pressies claims he gave them to your kids but it is the parents who pay for it.

Not to mention I saw the Norad satilite view of what he was doing and he sure was zipping around.

Gets a years worth of work done in one night.

Deffo something wrong there if it only takes him one night to call to everybody.

Also he does not pay his staff.

Questions have been raised before about his methods and how he treats his staff.

He's deffo private sector.

...and I'm back in work today, no 10 days of holidays for me either