Christmas Shopping what to buy people?

Totally agree with mf1 that most of what I used to buy in the past for people was rubbish. Christmas presents are for children.

I had this, eh, exchange of differing opinions with my wife last night.

It has just got ridiculous ! Kids, nieces & nephews, parents, brothers & sisters - no issue.

Her sisters ? At a push.
Her sister's (current) significant others - do I really have to ? And it would keep my life simple if I wasn't getting nagged about ' ... wants to know what to buy you for Christmas'. I have everything I need and much of what I want.

I don't think I'm a Scrooge or a Grinch, but when it comes to presents, you have to draw the line somewhere.

I see what your saying here. This will be her 2nd birthday, last year we got her a big present for birthday and some smaller ones. Then got her a big xmas gift and some smaller things.

But it was unreal the amount of stuff that people turned up with for her, I mean half the stuff is in its orginal packaging in her room never being opened played with.

She has grannies that love to spoil her so I dunno I guess I feel a bit mean but will get her something for her birthday but nothing extreme like we got her last year. Anyway we will be throwing a party for her, would never forget about her birthday bless her 2years old anyways
I always remember when our eldest was about 4, I had really gone overboard with the presents. On Christmas morning the kids were delighted. Grandparents had been very generous too and the kids enjoyed unwrapping the presents and thanking everyone. When it came to thanking me, my daughter said "I got lots of lovely things from Santa and everyone. I know you didn't buy me anything Mummy but that's ok cos I love you very much". I'd forgotten to put my name on one of the parcels!
Does that mean that there's no such thing as Santa????
Why not talk to the kids (and remind some of the adults) about those other kids that are not as fortunate as they themselves might be.

It is a good time to mould those mites into the helpful & selfless people that you want them to be. Their capacity to understand is phenomenal.
I am different to most of you so,
I like to splash out on herself and the kids at christmas likewise I always buypresents for brother , mother and some close friends.
Yes, a lot of what you get at Christmas is just going to end up as clutter. Yesterday while tidying out my wardrobe I found some unused Christmas gifts from last year.

Gift vouchers are good, since the person can buy what they need - I generally get reflexology vouchers for my mum, for example.
Books are another popular choice.