Christmas Shopping what to buy people?


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Ok so well bascially the title says it all, I am going out Saturday in the hope to find Christmas presents for all my familly friends etc. Seeing as all the stuff is in the shops, plus I also hate the rush of to Christmas so I like to avoid it.

Will do one grocery shop nearer christmas.

Anyways I guess im wondering what is everyone buying there nearest and dearest?

I havent got a clue where to start im sure my sisters are sick of getting bubble bath every year :p .

And any mum's out there what would you think was a great present from your daughter because I have no idea what to get mine as she has absolutely everything going!!

And my Dad my head wrecked allready thinking about it :confused:

Thanks to anyone who has any ideas.
ok thanks clubman i didnt realise this would be a stb thread but anyways so you have no ideas for me? :p
Always hard buying presents. For my Dad I would consider buying a limited edition of a drink that he likes, like Reme Martin Cognac althought with there being so much drink around at christmas anyway it loses its wow factor somewhat.
For daughters/ sisters, a pair of shoes always goes down well, they could either pick a pair out or you could get a voucher for a nice shop. A voucher for a nice clothes shop would go well for a Mum as well.
The only way to really nail it would be to go shopping with your family and see what catches their eye.
Books. Books for them all. If they don't like them tough luck, it's the thought that counts :D
I'm about halfway through my christmas shopping. I got my mam a bag. Going to get my Dad a bottle of Middleton very rare. Boyfriend is getting a digital camera and I have some presents for my friends too but I think they read this site so I can't say what they are.
Bottle/s of wine for everyone except husband and children. Husband is getting nothing ( in my defence, I will be getting nothing from husband either!) , children too young to know the difference so will get couple of relatively inexpensive gifts- winnie the pooh book and music box for toddler ( total expenditure €23) and clothes for baby so that toddler sees presents for both of them under the x-mas tree, and for the photos.
Hey guys,

Tanx some great tips.

Vanilla like you I have told my partner that i dont want anything for Christmas a cheap o card wud do me. I will prob get him a shirt or something but thats it.

On the kiddy front might get daughter one big present as its her birthday 4days before christmas and keep it till xmas day get some clothes too. like you said she wont even know what day of the year it is!

Good idea on the drink idea for dad but wouldnt have a clue wot to buy!!
I'm of the Bah Humbug brigade.

I give the amount of money I could spend on Christmas presents to the Hospice and to Bothar. To me its more rewarding and more sensible.

I and all my friends and family have too many things, we want for nothing, we need even less and I think Christmas is one long money spinning exercise. I have never understood why people buy crap for each other ( mostly it is crap - no offence to anyone who's posted ideas!) - I do know that its nice to give and receive presents but why get involved in the exhausting exercise at all when no-one needs anything and the money could be so much better used?

I always have looked on christmas as it is today as a capitalists bonanza time, christmas has been stolen from the children
I and all my friends and family have too many things, we want for nothing, we need even less

Hear, hear! Am of the same opinion but haven't been able to persuade my family to STOP BUYING MY CR*P that'll end up at the charity shop before the week is out....................I've no room, I keep telling them.
you cant go wrong in a sports shop. jerseys, fleeces, helmets, hurleys.
literally a one stop shop.
Last year my eldest daughter bought me a box of chocolates with a voucher for the Body Clinic attached. It was great as I booked an expensive facial which I wouldn't normally do.

The youngest bought me a beautiful handbag which I loved. Mr. LW and I decided we'd buy one another clothes to wrap and put under tree and then head off on holiday for New Year.
On the kiddy front might get daughter one big present as its her birthday 4days before christmas and keep it till xmas day get some clothes too. like you said she wont even know what day of the year it is!

Having a Christmas birthday myself I can tell you that this is not a good idea (although maybe not too bad if the child is still young). It feels like people are forgetting about your birthday.
Totally agree with mf1 that most of what I used to buy in the past for people was rubbish. Christmas presents are for children. But still like to give a token hence bottle/s of wine. Everyone seems to appreciate a bottle of wine or similar.