Christmas Shopping Sales - To Buy or Not to Buy


Registered User
Decided to splash out this year and purchase my first Games Console ( for nieces and nephews when they visit) .
Following extensive and unlightened research I decided to buy an Xbox 360, advertised for €179 in Harvey Normans, Nutgrove.
In the shop I was advised by the Sales Person that this unit was only used to get people into the shop and that I really needed one with a Hard Drive if I wanted to save game progress - entry cost €289 or something. Eventually, and against my better judgement if I'm honest, I agreed to purchase this unit with 2 free games (Price Stickers of €39 on each). He even had the gall to tell me he was losing money on the sale but they needed to sell x number of units before Christmas. With tears in my eyes for his Christmas plight I handed over my money and received a Sales Receipt showing I had paid €239 for the unit.
10 minutes later I passed Argos to see it for sale in their window for €229... too late, HN don't give refunds on game consoles.
Today I see that Dunnes are selling an XBox 360 with a Hard Drive for €189.
Can retailers really blame people for staying out of the shops and adapting a wait-and-see attitude?
there are plenty of shops having "sales"already...but the real savings will be in the new year. sadly i see plenty of retail stores going out of business in the new year as people cut spending to a minium!
For what it's worth you've got a great console on your hands, and at a great price too, check out the ps 3! The fun your nephews and nieces will have on this is priceless.