Christmas Shopping In Dublin



This one is from Pete McDonald’s PetePourri newsletter.

Maggie Kelly was off to Dublin to do her Christmas shopping. “Be careful,” says
Mary McGee. “Those Dublin shops charge far more than you'd pay here in Sligo.
They always double the price. So when you get there only offer them half.” “I
will”, says Maggie, and indeed she does. “The green dress in the window,” she
says, “It's priced at £40. That's much too dear!” “Madam”, says the clerk,
“believe me it is a very reasonable price.” “Get on with ye” says Maggie loudly.
“Everyone knows that in Dublin you pay twice as much. I'll give you £20 and not
a penny more.” “Madam”, says the clerk 'I don't want a scene. If you calm
down, I'll let you have the dress for £20.” “In that case,” retorts Maggie
“I'll give you £10 for it.” “Madam, please!” begs the clerk, “I don't want to
sully our reputation. If it'll make you go away you can have it for £10.” “In
that case I'll give you £5”, says Maggie. At her wits end, the clerk says,
“Madam, just to get rid of you, please take the dress for nothing.” In that
case', says Maggie triumphantly, “I’ll be wanting two.”