Christmas - Political Correctness Gone Mad?

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From the Manchester Evening News:

"MORE than two out of three companies have banned Christmas decorations from the office because of fears that they will offend people from different religious faiths, a new report claimed today."

From the Daily Mail:

"Lambeth Council in South London has decided to rename its Christmas street decorations 'Winter Lights' to avoid offending non-Christians."

These are just 2 of many stories in the papers this year - is this a UK phenomenon or is it happening in Ireland too?

As more immigrants from different countries/faiths/traditions arrive in Ireland - will Christmas become a thing of the past here?
Are non-religious decorations really offensive to anyone? What have tinsel and lights have to do with religion? If they are, well aren't head scarves, skullcaps and white collars etc. also offensive?
As well as some muslim women covered from head to toe in black, what is all that about?
muslim women have faces covered as they believe if a man sees them and thinks they are pretty that he will rape them this I heard in an interview with an Irish woman turned muslim, I dont like religion as a rule I think there is no God, or if there is I dont think much of him , God if you are out there please stop kids been raped and abused and please let all in the world have plenty of food also why not go on Sky news so we can all see you come on dont be shy
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