Christmas Gift Ideas ...or lack thereof


Registered User
Ok, so not a total emergency as I have "her" presents.

What I still don't have though are;
> Parents
> Her Parents
> Sister
> 1 Brother

Seriously lacking ideas this year. I'm going to put it down to the fact that I've been so busy in work, I haven't had time to do my usual early Dec surfing. And I've a good bit on over next week (wedding next wend) so I think this Wednesday will be my last chance.

Any gift ideas out there??????
Gift vouchers. Seriously.

I think that most gifts end up in the charity shop anyway so, if a Trocaire/Bothar gift card would be frowned on, why not move towards the consumables? There is a good chance that people can then go and choose what they want.

I am totally against Christmas gifts anyway as I think that most people I know neither want or need anything at all but if someone must, then for me a voucher for Abbey/Gate Theatre, NCH, book/music store, or a good local restaurant will be used and appreciated.

gift vouchers, cash or ask them what they want - especially siblings and own parents, and get her to get something for her parents.
restaurant vouchers look much more thoughtful that vouchers for shops I think but then I consider eating out a necessity.
restaurant vouchers look much more thoughtful that vouchers for shops I think but then I consider eating out a necessity.

picked up a few things in town yesterday morning. Went for a few little things as opposed to one biggy.

I agree vouchers are great but the only thing I don't like about them is the fact they can't be appreciated straight away. And knowing my parents, they'l probably wait 11 months before they use it....

By the by, found Debanhams very good for random presents of people lacking ideas

By the by, found Debanhams very good for random presents of people lacking ideas

Was around shops for 3 hrs yesterday, bought nothing as nobody needs anything and anything they are interested in, they've bought all they need what did you get? Seriously in need of help here! G