christmas gift for 3 1/2 Daughter




Any Parents out there with small daughters i.e 3.5 years and know what the want from Santa. Or what is the lastest craze for small girls ?

At 3 and 1/2, i dont think kids are really into particular lines of toys. Generally something quite girly is good. I think really good, illustrated books and craft type things are excellent...and they last longer than christmas week!
I think that children this young are easily pleased and spending big money is more for the giver than the receiver! That said, I bought my 3 year old neice a glove puppet - I thought it seemed sweet and old fashioned. Other than that I think anything Dora the Explorer is big for the girls under five.
Surey you should get something that your daughter is interested in rather than the latest craze?
I have a 4.5 year old girl and her list is "Baby Alive" Doll (eats, poos, cries) E60; a dolls head thing that you can put make-up on and do its hair (I got an Ariel one for about E12 in Smiths);an Island Princess Dress - which she is not getting because she already has a couple of similiar items. I'd say at 3.5 years a doll she can play Mum to would be good but I wouldn't spend the E60 that I did unless you really want to ( I did it because her request was very specific for Baby Alive). I would say that anything to do with the Disney princesses (Ariel, Aurora, Jasmine, Cinderella, Snow White) will be a hit. The craft type suggestion is a great one - stars, glitter, a kids sicissors, prittstick, paper, stickers, glitter markers...
Agree with Jaybird. My nephew (3 1/2) is certainly into specific toys ie trucks of any and all descriptions. Probably safer to get her something similar to what you know she enjoys playing with already and maybe then introduce something small to widen her interests?
Would agree with all the artie stuff my girl loves all that and playdoh fun factory. Also got her the baby alive doll think she will love it as shes very into her dollies etc. She will love been Mum feeding/changing the doll!!

Timmore did you manage to get nappies for your doll? I nearly dyed when I saw the price of the juice dricks for the doll 7euro! i presume you can give the doll water and not juice? the girl in the shop didnt have a clue either
Don't buy playdoo - it goes everywhere, new born nappies are cheaper than the ones for dolls. 3.5 year old, think pink and doll.
I know im hoping though that the 2 nappies that came with the doll are re useable but then again why would they sell them in packs of 5 serparetly??

I've already got her playdoh guess im in for a messy christmas!!!