Christmas craft fair - RDS - extortionate price for food

Clubman. Are you on RDS PAYROLL?. 12 Bucks for a sambo is outrageous, No matter where it is.
Clubman. Are you on RDS PAYROLL?
No. You are obviously missing my point which is not to defend the RDS or the stallholder in this case but rather to point out some facts about retail prices and consumer behaviour in relation to them.
12 Bucks for a sambo is outrageous, No matter where it is.
That's a subjective value judgement. I would probably agree with it in general. Some would not and would willingly pay. Some would agree, still pay and just moan about it afterwards. Nobody is forced to pay such prices. Those that do do so of their own free will. I couldn't give a toss if somebody charged €50 for a ham and cheese sambo. Nobody is forcing anybody to buy it.
So you agree it is rip off?
A €12 price tag for a sambo clearly displayed so that consumers can make an informed buying decision? No - that is not a rip-off but it is arguably a very high price for what you get if you choose of your own volition to make a purchase. But in this case there was also no price list on display according to the original poster so the retailer was in breach of the law which is a serious issue.
"Rip off" can mean either a fraudulent transaction or excessive profiteering which are very different things.

In this case as they had not displayed their prices, then this was a fraudulent transaction and was therefore a rip off!
Clubman, Clear this up. It's only a rip off if the price is clearly stated?
A €12 price tag for a sambo clearly displayed so that consumers can make an informed buying decision? No - that is not a rip-off

Come on ClubMan! Displayed price or not, that is an absoultely outrageous price to charge for any sandwich! Of course everybody can choose not to pay for it, but we are right to moan and highlight this rip-off culture whenever we come across it.
Ok, before this is locked, as the OP maybe I can conclude:

  • Entrance fee - no issue (we knew this in advance).
  • €12 - definitely a rip-off on two fronts.
1. It was only by pure chance I heard the lady in front of me pay €12 for her roll and some coleslaw. When it came to the till, I checked the price and yes it wwas €12. Ok, allowing for Dublin prices, blah blah, €12 is still steep.

2. Whether it's €1.20, €12.00 or €120.00 for a roll you have the choice as a consumer to pay this, but only if you are forewarned (via a clear price list - in this case it was totally absent). The operator in this case was capitalising on the usual Irish trait of paying rather than complaining. Hence his hostile attitude towards me. At least I saved him making up a roll and then not paying for it!!
Can we conclude then, that a rip off is a rip off, regardless of whether the price is stated? i.e. any attempt to overcharge for goods or services is A RIP OFF!!!
Can we conclude then, that a rip off is a rip off, regardless of whether the price is stated? i.e. any attempt to overcharge for goods or services is A RIP OFF!!!
How exactly do you define "overcharge" in a generalised way? Do you take the wholesale cost of the raw materials and add some fixed margin to cover overheads and profit and anything above that is overcharging? What is this magical formula?