Christening gift for a 4 year old girl


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I will be godmother to my almost 4 year old niece when she gets christened next week. Any idea of what I could buy her? I'd like something that she will have for a long time.

Thank you!

I will be godmother to my almost 4 year old niece when she gets christened next week. Any idea of what I could buy her? I'd like something that she will have for a long time.

Thank you!

A nice silver bracelet with her name on it. It wont fit for a long time but she can still keep it
That was one thing I thought of alright. And the other was the glay feet thing that you can get framed. Thanks for that. Wasn't sure if the bracelet thing was a good idea or not but I'll ask her mammy which she'd like best. Thank you.
I got a gold christening bracelet when I was christened (1973) and every few years just got links put on. Still wear it!