Definitely shop around. Speak with a few advisors if you can, get a feel for who will manage this for you best. There is still a lot of decisions and options available to you now. - for example can you make further payments in a tax efficient way.
Something to also consider is you say you are going down the ARF route and you are retiring in 2 years.
Is that at the age of 65.... if so also consider the state pension is 66.
Depending on circumstances you may have to purchase a AMRF which is €63,500 unless you have a guaranteed income of €12,700 pa.
You should also maybe look into your PRSI contributions for your state pension to make sure you are on track to receive the full pension and if not you may be able to purchase missing years to bring you up to full level.
There is certainly no harm in speaking with a Financial Advisor now. It is important that you have an understanding and plan for YOUR retirement.
David K