Choosing a washing machine


Registered User
Hi, anyone any tips on where to find out more about buying a washing machine? It will be used in a house with four adults and two children. I would appreciate one that's cheap to run (so good energy efficiancy) with electricity costs rising...
Your local library should have copies of 'Which' magazine - a consumer magazine that carries independent reviews of various products. Every so often they cover washing machines. As far as running costs are concerned, all washing machines have an energy rating sticker on them so it is pretty simple to find one that is cheap to run.
IMHO it has to be Miele despite their high cost. It is worth the extra € in the long run because it is saved on repair costs. With 6 people it will take some bashing

There was a survey printed in the Indo on 7th June and summarised [broken link removed] magazine results for washing machines, fridge-freezers, cylinder vacuum cleaners and dishwashers. Miele won on all four machines!

These 2 sites might be worth a read for possible recommendations also:

P.S. No connection with Miele.
Those Miele machines are at least double the price, so they'll have to last at least twice as long (trouble free) to get the same value for money.

They do look very nice though.
I agree with Noah, I purchased yesterday for our new build both a Bosch washing machine and a Bosch dryer the logic being the same as umop3p - I believe it is a good second best (to Miele) value for money option.
The [broken link removed] is €499 and the [broken link removed] equivalent is €899.

I took a lot of convincing that the difference of €300 (when I bought) was worth the bother but I would have to say to-date I think it has been. A lot of friends/colleagues had recommended Miele down thru the years.

I have a Bosch fridge/freezer and find it excellent also.
Thanks for the advice everyone. We have bought a Bosch 1400. The main reason we went with it in the end, was the energy rating. If we are doing a lot of washing, I want to minimise the electricity bills! Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply.
You need to go for a machine with an A energy rating. I agree with previous posts, Bosch do manufacture excellent machines. I have a De Detriech no frills dish washer which I find excellent, build quality and performance is top class, don't know what their washing machines are like though.
We've had a wonderful Miele Novotronic for 10 years and it's fantastic. I'd look at the dB rating of anything you're buying too. Ours has a 1600 spin and it's almost silent. The Miele dishwasher we have is also the quietest I've ever heard. Nice if you're running them late at night. Would now only buy Miele despite the price.
I'd agree with going for an A energy rating too.
I bought a Zanussi Jet-something for 549 euros in Powercity a few weeks ago - supposed to be one of their best washing machines, it sure looks very good with all the leds and control panel etc, with energy rating A - I am happy with it so far, don't know if its the best one out there though!
Thanks again for the replies!

Moneypitt, we looked at the Zanussi thingamabob, but they only seemed to have it in the 5kg size, and we wanted 6kg. Otherwise it looked good! Do you know how many kWH per cycle it used? (it was on the sticker on the front of the machine)

Hotlips, thanks for the tip on the db level (sadly too late for us to consider now, but will definitely keep it in mind).
As a by the way does anyone have any experience of the Dyson twin drum machine, seemed to advertised very heavily not so long ago?
I can agree with the previous posters regarding Miele ... fab, and well worth the extra cost. We've had ours for 10 years and never given us any probs, my MIL had hers for 25 before it gave up the ghost. Good luck whatever you decide.
BTW forgot to mention if anyone has any problems with their new machines or even if they are considering buying a machine both Miele and Bosch are very good about demonstrations in their showrooms on using the machines.

I went to Miele (by appointment) and the girl was able to explain all the ins and outs of the machine in detail. Miele are big into customer service - I know you'll all say at their prices they can well afford to be!

Bosch did the same thing for the fridge freezer before I bought.

Siemens is another very good make.
..... and when the inevitable day to get rid of the machine arrives, its good to know that from Sat 13 August, retailers MUST dispose of your old machine for FREE when you buy a replacement !

Thanks to new EU regulations
I worked for DID Electrical as a branch manager for 6 years. Have to agree with most of the posters in that when it comes to a w/machine.....2 choices Miele or Bosch. Without a doubt the two most reliable machines out there. Honestly, in 6 years I never heard of a service call on a Miele washer. They're more reliable and do a better job of washing clothes than anything I've seen. Used correctly (i.e. not overloaded) you can expect 18 - 20 years out of it. Trust me its only when you see the quality of the inards of the machine you understand why. You might get another brand for half the price but you'll have to buy 2 of them! Why spend thousands on clothes and not E800-E1000 on the machine to wash them in? It's money well spent!