Chocolate Weetabix: For me, this is wrong on so many levels.


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I eat Weetabix regularly but I was in Dunnes today and came across Chocolate Weetabix. For me, this is wrong on so many levels. Are corporations trying to kill us? Are parents that buy this muck trying to destroy their children?
Its actually no worse than Special K, and in a way its better for you than Special K. Less calories, less salt, less sugar and its much higher in fibre too. It is also better for you than Fruit n Fibre for example, which is much higher in sugar, salt, saturated fats and calories.

Chocolate is good for you (in moderation)
I agree with both of you. Chocolate and weetabix is just wrong.

I am partial to a bowl or two of special K though but it is a cereal I eat as a treat about once every couple of years.
I friend of mine is a nutritionist. Breakfast cereals are her major bugbear. She said that it would be better to give children a Mars Bar for their breakfast than most of the breakfast cereals aimed at kids. According to her the supermarket own-brand varieties are usually better than the major brand varieties for cereals aimed at adults.
This website gives good info on the subject.
I can't understand parents who buy chocolatey cereals unless as a very special treat or maybe a substitute for a dessert after dinner. Likewise, who regularly buys chocolate flavoured milk for their kids???
I'm a porridge man myself in the morning, (with bananas or raisins). What I find saddening and have noticed, especially since my little un started school, is the junk school kids eat. I've taken her down some mornings and seen kids as young as 5 or 6 drinking a can of something fizzy before they go in. Also seen kids every day getting something from the takeaway. Scary
My children had Chocolate Weetabix for breakfast today.

It's hard to catch hold of them long enough to 'destroy' them in between dance class, tennis lessons, sailing, rugby and hiking. If I can't 'destroy' them through exercise and activity, I'll manage it through their diet.
My children had Chocolate Weetabix for breakfast today.

Tut tut. Clearly you are a very bad parent indeed.

Me too. Ours have cereal once a week ( usually something like cornflakes or coco pops, the horror of it ), other days they have porridge, scrambled egg, boiled egg, toast, crepes, homemade smoothies etc. Mind you, we usually ruin the porridge by allowing them to add sugar to it or, worse still, nesquik. The shame.

Please don't turn us in to Social Services. Its to do with our upbringing, we can't help it.

We too have riding, hiking, cycling, football, dance, swimming etc every week but that does not excuse it. I am a member of the bad parent club and not proud at all.

I won't be shopping you to "social" but you're a bad parent. If the Law Society knew about this would they take any action against you professionally? It’s all well and good to be flippant about it on here as an anonymous poster but what if this got out!!?
Nothing wrong with spoiling the kids every now and again. But I do think breakfast is not the time to do it and we don't really breakfast cereal products like weetabix with chocolate.

A diabetes epidemic is underway. An estimated 30 million people worldwide had diabetes in 1985. A decade later, the global burden of diabetes was estimated to be 135 million. The latest WHO estimate – for the number of people with diabetes, worldwide, in 2000 – is 171 million. This is likely to increase to at least 366 million by 2030.

In fairness, I don't think anyone on here has condemned giving kids an occasional treat as long as they eat healthily most of the time. Giving the children coco pops on a Saturday only is like having a takeaway on a Friday night or somesuch. Just a treat, but not a daily occurrence. The problem is when parents start to give the kids chocolate covered cereals every morning of the week for breakfast, or milk drinks loaded with sugar. They're going to end up with badly nourished children underperforming at school and with a mouth full of fillings.
What ever about the nutritional value of breakfast cereals Im astonished by the price of branded cereals.

As a reference you can get a kilo of branded porridge for just over €1.50 (its the exact same price in all the bigger supermarkets).

Cherios on the other hand cost anything between €7.50 and €8.00 / kg.

Regular Weetabix is about €5 for a 48 pack. €6.25/ kilo (Salt 0.65% Sugar 4.4%)

Kellogs Rice Crispies the best price I can get is about €4.50/kg. (Salt 1% Sugar 10%)

Branflakes the best i can get is about €4.50/kg (Salt 1% Sugar 22%!)