Chip&Pin: Compulsory PIN number for CC transactions post 17th March Ireland only?


Registered User
Anyone know if the requirement to have PIN number for credit card transactions post 17th March is just Ireland only or throughout EU?
Re: Chip and Pin

I recall a lot of advertising in the UK in 2006 giving 14th February as "chip and pin" day.
Re: Chip and Pin

Some relevant info here.

Note that non chipped cards are unaffected. Some of us still have them you know (PTSB ATM/Laser)! :)
Re: Chip and Pin

Joke - the whole thing is a joke - this is the banks way of transferring all responsibility back on consumers and retailers... There is some girl from one of the agencies trying to promote the process with regards to the fact that the banks are trying to reduce fraud..... I hope I never meet her.

If the banks were serious about fraud our pictures would be on our credit cards, there would be a pin and signature requirement!!
Re: Chip and Pin

Indeed - e.g. see here - but that is another off topic issue altogether so start a new thread if you want to discuss it.
Re: Chip and Pin

Anyone know if the requirement to have PIN number for credit card transactions post 17th March is just Ireland only or throughout EU?

Can't be throughout the EU. My Spanish credit card doesn't have a chip.
Re: Chip and Pin

Can't be throughout the EU. My Spanish credit card doesn't have a chip.
That is irrelevant. "Chip & PIN day" here in Ireland simply means that PINs will be mandatory for chipped card transactions from then on (i.e. signature will not be acceptable - except as a fallback or not at all?). Non chipped cards will still work and you just sign as normal. This day does not obviate any existing non chipped cards.
Re: Chip and Pin

Try using your Cr Card in most of the rest of the world ie UK & USA without a pin & it just won't be accepted.
Ireland is actually very late imposing this rule.
Retailers can still actually accept a signature but they are not obliged to do so & I think you will see them doing so less & less. They are not guaranteed funds with a signature but they are with a pin.
Re: Chip and Pin

Try using your Cr Card in most of the rest of the world ie UK & USA without a pin & it just won't be accepted.
Not in my experience. Having travelled to the US many times over the past few years I have regularly signed for things with my chipped PTSB VISA card no problem. In fact PIN validation was more the exception than the rule to be honest.
Re: Chip and Pin

Not in my experience.

Nor mine. My US credit card doesn't even have a chip. In fact I'm not even sure the technology is used there. When I was in DC and New York last December, I must have used my Irish card more than half a dozen times and I was never once asked for the PIN.
I think CompUSA was the only place that used PIN verification while I was over there.
The EMV chip on which Chip and Pin is based is entirely a European standard, and in fact Ireland is ahead of most in implementing it. Many european countries have pin without chip, based on mag stripe or other forms of chip.
In my experience, many US food outlets don't even bother with a pin or a signature, they just swipe and give the card back. I guess the typical value of the transaction is so low that they don't bother. When I thought about it first I was surprised that there was no verification at all, but in practice I guess it works for them.

Yeah - as somebody (DrM perhaps?) posted before...

[SIZE=-1] (The Credit Card Prank)
[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] (The Credit Card Prank II)

In my experience, many US food outlets don't even bother with a pin or a signature, they just swipe and give the card back. I guess the typical value of the transaction is so low that they don't bother. When I thought about it first I was surprised that there was no verification at all, but in practice I guess it works for them.


Most credit card companies in the US do not longer require you to sign for purchases under 25$ at drug stores, fast food eateries, convenience stores, and pharmacies.

In addition to that, large banks now deploy RFID enabled cards, so that you just hold the card over a reader (instead of swiping) for smaller purchases.

Also in the US CREDIT card's don't require PIN to pay, only DEBIT cards. Now there are Visa / Mastercard DEBIT cards (clearly marked with DEBIT on the card) , these do require PIN not signature. Irish card's only require signature unless the system mis-identifies the card as debit.

My Irish card with PIN requires me to PIN/CHIP in Ireland, the UK and France.

In Sweden it creates a problem because the terminal reads the strip, than aks to put the card in the chip reader for PIN but than can't verify the PIN and requests signature.
Also in the US CREDIT card's don't require PIN to pay
Ah! You're right. I was confusing signing on the LCD screen with inputting my PIN in CompUSA! :eek: The only time I use my PIN in the US is to make cash withdrawals (from a preloaded card).
They have those strange lcd pads which you attempt to sign your name on. It don't seem to matter if the scrawl looks nothing like the signature on the card. Great fun in places like walmart, target and hertz. :) The till receipt form walmart even includes your signature scrawl at the bottom. :)

I also found for transactions over $100 they do ask for ID to verify the card.