China to the rescue?


Registered User

I saw this article this evening on my Facebook feed and thought it might interest the forum.

"The nation wants countries including the U.S. to become more open to investment by Chinese companies, which will create local jobs, Zhang said. China aims to complete and publish foreign-investment guidelines for industry this year, he said."

What little I've seen of China's investment in Africa for example is that they arrive in the country having done the deal with the government to set up.

They come in lock, stock and barrel, with Chinese technicians and support staff, do the business and depart.

Put it like this, how many non-Chinese people have you ever seen in a Chinese restaurant?

They might create local jobs, in the sense of people having to work locally, but so far there is precious little evidence that they will create jobs for locals, an important distinction.

If they do, the Chinese investment could be just what the doctor ordered.