Chimney damper


Registered User

Just wondering if anyone knows of somewhere that I could get a chimney damper that would sit on top of the chimney? We get quite a strong wind blowing down the chimney so I would like something that could be closed when the fire is not in use.

I found one on the web but it's a U.S. site and shipping would be an issue. If anyone has found something similar in Ireland I'd love to hear about it.

Looking for same sort of thing myself. Was told the co-op stores might stock it --- the one with the chain hanging down so you can open and close when you want. Didn't check it out yet though
what about the chimney baloon? it is a rubber balloon sold in UK that you put into chimney then inflate. If you wish to light fire, deflate, remove and light fire.
Gramlab - would that be the balloon or hte damper that Brooks-Houghton are selling??

Ravima - I'd prefer the damper for convenience. We'd light the fire every weekend and occasionally during the week and I'd prefer not to have to inflate and deflate a balloon each time. Think the damper option would be quicker, easier and cleaner.
similar to the one on the fireplacemall site - open/close with chain
Have to get one myself as its like a mini wind tunnel when i close the living room door. Cant find the time to go look.
If you check it out and find I please post details
On a related issue - does anyone know how to solve a problem where smoke gets blown back down the chimney (and into the room) when the wind is coming from a particular direction?
Gramlab, do you have a number for the place in Cork?

Suds, you need to get some sort of chimney cap that will deflect the wind around the chimney. Search the web for cowls or chimney caps - found quite a few sites while looking for the damper.
Found a number for the place in Cork, but they don't do them. Not looking good at the moment.