my 22 months old has a post office account with all her christening/child benefit money and has around 3600 euro at the moment. since she is under 7 no withdrawls can be made on the there any way of canceling the account to get the money out so i can put it in a safe at home?
i am a single mother so cannot loose this money as i would like her to use it to help with her going to college
i will contact an post tomorrow. my name is not on the account but i think its possible to add at any time.
with all the stuff iv being hearing about ...if the country goes bankrupt, if we have to leave the euro, if the banks go under, if all deposits are devalued or frozen or changed to a new currency. i dont know what to do at all!!
at least if the money is in say a fire/water proof underfloor board safe at least i know it will be there when i wake up every morning.
actually what will happen to peoples loans if the banks go bust?
Keeping a large amount of cash in your home is not advisable. There are plenty of threads here about where to put your money and what the risk is maybe try some of them but keeping a large amount of cash in your home is, unfortunately, asking for trouble.