Children expensive on Ryanair?


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Looking at prices in July Birmingham to Dublin Return, with Ryanair I found 2 adults @ £146. I added 1 child over 2 and 1 infant and the total price rose to £591. It appears Ryanair should advertise No Luggage or Children.
low cost airlines normally do their pricing in brackets, eg first 10 tickets sold at €20, next 10 at €30, with the price increasing the more tickets are sold. If there aren't enough tickets in the lower price bracket for all parties in your group then you automatically go up to the next price bracket. Shouldn't make a difference if the passengers are adults or children.
Iv always found that children same as adult price but infant is the killer as €20 each way.
Bet if you had tried to separate the booking and do one adult, one child it wouldn't jump. Basically you are straddling the Ryanair numbers game.