childcare age eligibility - date calculations


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Can someone more numerically literate help me out with something, my daughter was born on 1st Jan '22 and we want her to start in a childcare facility but there's an issue whether she qualifies for the ECCE scheme which is free, she needs to be 2yr 8m on or before 31st Aug-24

I've pasted an image below of the age eligibility criteria and the table shows she isn't eligible until Sept-25 because she falls short by just 1 day, we really want her to start in Sept-24.

However if I do a calculation of the dates (see image below) and include the end date of 31st-Aug-24 then she is 2yrs 8m and therefore qualifies.

Question is which is correct?

ECCE age.jpg

2024-08-25 10.47.52.png
When do you celebrate her birthday, the 31st of Dec 2023 or the 1st Jan 2024? She completed 2 years by midnight 31st Dec, but she did not turn 2 until 1st Jan 2024, so she won’t be 2 years and 8 months until 1 Sept 2024 and is not eligible. Yes by a single day, but there has to be a cut off somewhere and those born the day before benefit, but those born the day after don’t. Between 100-200 other children in the country were born the same day as your daughter so you are not alone.
Is there any flexibility with your local play school?My grandchild attended for 2 days last year. She started mid September on the day she was 2 years and 8 months
When do you celebrate her birthday, the 31st of Dec 2023 or the 1st Jan 2024? She completed 2 years by midnight 31st Dec, but she did not turn 2 until 1st Jan 2024, so she won’t be 2 years and 8 months until 1 Sept 2024 and is not eligible. Yes by a single day, but there has to be a cut off somewhere and those born the day before benefit, but those born the day after don’t. Between 100-200 other children in the country were born the same day as your daughter so you are not alone.
We celebrate her birthday on 1st Jan, buuuut, we could do it a day early, just roll it into a New Year’s Eve party!

Is there any flexibility with your local play school?My grandchild attended for 2 days last year. She started mid September on the day she was 2 years and 8 months
Yes the play school is very accommodating and they have a place for her but we’ll be fee paying if we don’t qualify for ECCE
Had the same issue myself. Son is a January baby; we sent him to preschool at 2 yrs 8 months and paid for the year, got the second year under the ECCE scheme; we sent him to school at 4 yrs 8 months but did have the option of another ECCE YEAR
However if I do a calculation of the dates (see image below) and include the end date of 31st-Aug-24 then she is 2yrs 8m and therefore qualifies.

Question is which is correct?
Unfortunately it is you who is incorrect. As described in the screenshot, your child turns 2yr & 8mth on September 1st. Eligibility is on or before 31st August.

It is unfortunate but you are right on the cut off line.

Your child can still start preschool but as you said you will be fee paying. So if you want them to start school in 2 years, then you just need to suck up the cost
I have a December kid and a January kid… that’s life!

Lots of cut offs impacted them as kids.

There have to be cut off points.

The days when rising 5s or even 4s back in the day were allowed start early are long gone. 3 years olds who were almost 4 were often allowed/encouraged to start primary. That flows through and some were too young going away to uni.

However I assume you already paying for childcare so this is no different. Unless your preferred place has a cut off age?