Child on parents passport going to Spain



Hi, just on phone to travel agent to book a holiday in two weeks time to Spain for myself, hubby and 2 children. Just found out that children need own passport to travel. son on my passport since 2002. Can anyone confirm that it is okay to travel in this regard. Tour operator thought once the child was on the passport prior to leglislation coming in (2007) that he could but not be quoted on it. Embassy closed 'till Monday. Want to try and book something soon. Thanks
Your travel agent is correct. As long as your passport is still valid then any kid on it is O.K. Though increasingly rare, we're still booking kids on parents passport.
Your travel agent is correct. As long as your passport is still valid then any kid on it is O.K. Though increasingly rare, we're still booking kids on parents passport.

Incorrect. Depends on the country you are travelling to. The US for instance will not accept this. Spain for the moment does. In general, its an extremely bad idea to travel with a child on a parent passport (what if a situation arises if the parent gets ill or is unable to travel home as planned for some reason? Or indeed needs to travel home urgently and unexpectedly but not necessarily with the child?)

You can book now for a holiday in Spain but before you go, please organise everything required to apply for a new and seperate passport for your son so that he will have it when you come back from holidays so that the situation won't arise again.
Not abolished per se but no longer issued to applicants after a certain date -I forget the date.
If passport with parent asnd kid issued prior to that date then ,within the normal validity period of that passport, it is still O.K. for child to travel with parent on one passport in and out of Ireland.
(Note I say "in and out of Ireland" -it doesnt mean that every country accepts the parent and kid passport, but i dont know of an EU state that won't accept it. If I'm wrong I'm going to get some angry parents !)
Thanks, Travel Agent could not confirm for definite that spain would let you in with a child on a parents passport. Going to wait until Monday to make sure with the Embassy. Dont worry, he is getting his own Passport when we return (if we get going at all). Thanks