Child Minding Rates after Primary School?


Registered User
Have searched and can't find a exactly relevant thread.
Also, if in the wrong place please move to correct area.

I have my eldest boy starting primary school in September.
The second is going to playschool from 9am-noon, 5 days a week.

A neighbours boy is starting in the same primary school as my eldest.
I am going to drop (9:15am), collect (2pm) and look after the neighbours boy until 6:30pm 2 & 3 days a week.

What is a fair daily rate for this?
(I will be providing the evening meal prior to 6:30pm collection)

If there is any relevant information I have overlooked, please let me know.

Thanks in advance,
contact your local childcare committee they will have tons of info for you and also make sure you have insurance it is only about 150 euro and well worth it if something happens. I know the full time rate is about 150 per week so I guess you could work out a half day rate based on this. I was a childminder until I moved a few months ago so feel free to pm me if you want
Also make sure your car insurance covers you and the little boy you are minding in case of a crash. I know from friends that you never think it will happen but friendship can go out the window very quickly if people get hurt - it is also vital that you have everything in writing before you start. do you know you can earn 15,000 tax free as a childminder ?
I would say €80 for a 2 day week and €120 for a 3 day week.
when the little chap is on holidays I would increase this to €100 for a 2 day week and €140 for a 3 day week.
If a full weeks rate is €150 and you're only doing 3 half days then a rate of between €45 and €60 sounds fair. If you have to do a full day then add extra.