Child maintenance


Registered User
My ex partner is on the dole ( Ithink) works some days under the counter, I am no on any state benifits. I get nothing off him, I am considerable better off than him but it maddens me that he pays nothing. He use to infrequently give me €30 pw but that has stopped now.
He never comes out of a pub and his new girlfriend is expecting a baby shortly.
Would I be totally waisting my time pursuing the matter legally?
It's a difficult one. I can understand how frustrating it can be. The difficulty you will face is proving that he can afford to pay maintenance. Even if he is on social welfare it is possible that he could pay a small sum per week. However if you could prove that he is in fact working then you could get a higher award. If he is financially able to pay, then the court will order him to do so as he has an obligation to provide maintenance for his child/ren.
In a recent case (reported on a father stating he was unemployed and on SW was told by a Judge to get a job and support his child.

He was also ordered to pay the arrears of maintenance. See for the full post.
In a recent case (reported on a father stating he was unemployed and on SW was told by a Judge to get a job and support his child.

He was also ordered to pay the arrears of maintenance. See for the full post.
Good advice; Rollercoaster will be a much better resource than AAM for this sort of thing. (No offence to Vanilla etc but there just isn’t as many posters of her caliber and experience in this area here.)
in 1999 i went to court for maintenance for 4 children. My husband said he wasn't working which he was , when the judge asked him why he wasn't working he said he had an injury which happened in work, then he was asked if he put in a claim for injury ,he said he didn't and was ordered to do so as myself and the children would benefit greatly, he was given a date to go back to court to prove he done that, but he didn't go, in the mean time he was ordered to pay £30 weekly maintenance and it was left at that. So unless you are willing to fight it out in court for a long long time i'm afraid you will be no better off , i got the £30 for a month then was told he couldn't afford it, thats just my experience