Child going to the Dentist


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My 6 yr old needs to go to dentist ,what is free from a dentist for a school going child, I always remember when young that is was free is this correct, first time having to do this so what steps does one take ,does the school have any thing to do with it
I'm not sure if you mean to a private Dentist or a Health Board Clinic. If its a private Dentist it usually is roughly the same cost as a doctors visit, I paid €50 to get my son's teeth checked. He does through the school scheme get his teeth reviewed in the Clinic and this costs nothing (this is done every 2 years in the S.E.). If you are called back to the clinic for treatment this is free, however even though I have a medical card for my son I have been told to start saving towards the braces he will need in 1 to 2 years time as these costs will not be covered because his bite is not out by the necessary 10mm, costs roughtly €4k.
Ensure you ask for bitewing xrays if going to health board. Unfortunately they rarely take them and as a result it is quite likely to miss cavities.
Hi Dodo.
If your child is in school he/she will be seen routinely by the dentist ... from 1st/2nd class onwards. Prior to that (i.e. preschoolers/younger children) the school dentist will see children with pain in the teeth due to cavities/abcesses etc. You can contact your local health clinic to arrange an appointment for this. Hope this is of some use.
Any use?

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Thanks for the help , all sorted age is not an issue so all good