Child allowance for twins etc


Registered User
I Think that parents of twins should be targeted for a reduction in this allowance.
A parent could have two kids within a very short period and just recieve the normal allowance.
I can understand triplets etc but twins??
It should at the very least be means tested.

In addition, a special 'once-off' grant of €635 is paid on all multiple births. Further 'once-off' grants of €635 are paid when the children are 4 years of age and 12 years of age.

I can understand this part ,due to starting school and secondary school,but most certainly not extra money every month!

This is one area that should be cut back!
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I don't understand why you think parents of multiple births shouldn't get more allowance?
I don't understand why you think parents of multiple births shouldn't get more allowance?

Definately the third child should get less rather than more than the 1st and 2nd child as usually you would have all equpment etc...Why are they incentivising large families?
How much will it save by cutting the allowance for twins?
I think the chance of having twins is 3% and we had about 75,000 births in Ireland last year, so that's about 2,200 set of twins. this would save our government around €4 million a year, not very much when we are borrowing €20bn a year.
I don't understand why you think parents of multiple births shouldn't get more allowance?

Why should they? (I do think extra money should be given to parents who have three and more,and that the extra money at ages 4 and 12 should be given also,but in the case of twins,why should the parents get approx 650e extra? If anything it should be just enough to cover the second child's books,uniform etc but not that amount! )

If a parent of twins has someone in their house for example to mind one child and then another child is born,it is never double the amount,nor is it double the amount for twins..

It doesn't make sense that someone who has two should get a lot more than someone who has two in quick succession.
So parents of twins are at a monetary advantage..why?
Whereas a parent who has two in quick succession who has the same outgoings has to manage on a lot less.

In the end they both end up spending the same amount of money!

There was talk of means testing CA,but apparently was too difficult to implement,but it wouldn't be for parents of twins if as another poster mentioned there are not that many of them.
4 million a poster said was the cost and said it wasn't much! Well there are many areas that 4 million could be used.

Means test it I say..
How about cutting TD's salarys?

How about not giving away all our money to support these faceless 'bondholders'?

I'd leave child allowance alone. There are far more worthy candidates for the chopping block.

€4,000,000? how about
€25,000,000,000 and counting...

Em why don't you start a thread on those issues ?This is not about TDs salary's or bondholders,try stay on topic and eh,start a thread about what concerns you.

Logical conclusion to the above is,correct nothing as long as TDs salary's etc are the way they are.So yes,great idea,ignore all the silly things this government has done/given away until........... utopia..but in the meantime, I think that at the very least this extra income absolutely should be means tested.
Real Irish solution..
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This lovely what seems like begrudgery comes up all the time. Some practical reasons for the payment in the thread above.

Read through that thread and its mainly about getting maternity benefit,however Not every parent is working.
The car issue is just silly,anyone could have several kids 10 months apart,but I don't see a case for them getting extra to facilitate a bigger car.
And there are some who have 10/15 years between kids,based on the multiple birth reason for getting extra,then those parents should also get it,as they wont have the clothes /they wont have the school books /uniform etc.
A lot of it is about choice to make it simple. Twins are a happy random event which cannot be planned for- can you not see that fact? The same as Triplets really.

Read the thread again. The maternity leaves have an impact on childcare costs. In one year my childcare alone for twins has cost about 16k. If you have two some months apart, most do not use childcare while on maternity leave for the second and you can financially plan this.

The transport issue- it's not 'silly' actually. Having loads of children 10 months apart is a choice, and most people these days plan these things around what they can afford.

You've been very dismissive of the reasons put forward so far which would make me disinclined to get into much further discussion. I don't understand why this is in let off steam anyway- why have you got such a bee in your bonnet about this? Why such annoyance and anger when as someone else pointed out it's a drop in the ocean compared to other issues? Why such annoyance at one small group compared to, for example, welfare fraud which I think is a subject more much deserving of venom.
A lot of it is about choice to make it simple. Twins are a happy random event which cannot be planned for- ... The same as Triplets really. ...

most people these days plan these things around what they can afford.
Multiple births are no longer always random events - there has been a huge increase in multiple births since IVF has been available - surely this is a choice which comes with an accompanying risk of multiple birth whose affordability should be planned for?
Well I wouldn't know anything about IVF twins Orka, sorry.
I'd reckon that the % IVF multiples is an even smaller subgroup.
And you can't really ask how they were conceived on the Child benefit form, can you?
I don't really think it is a huge issue and don't begrudge these people the bit of extra money.

It is a bigger issue in my opinion that we are paying child benefit to children not even living in this country. There would be more savings to be made there. This may not be relevant to this thread but is something I do not agree with.
Would we get Child allowance for our kids if we lived in those same countries?
I understand that if we move within Europe we also get child allowance.

Well start your own thread on it,or contribute to the existing ones on welfare fraud.
Where is the "anger" where is the "venom". I resent your implication of both and ask you to withdraw those remarks!

I have not seen any poster including myself ,showing anger or venom about this issue.We are here to post on a subject ,you have an opposing view,it is rather silly to go down the route of slagging off the poster,if you don't like what you read you are entitled to post yourself .!

An extremely costly last resort which couples in this country generally bear the cost of in its entirety would be a better description than a choice.
And your point is...?
Would have thought the point was obvious,however I will make it clearer for you.
People from other countries get child allowance in Ireland,However,we also get child allowance when we are in their country..