Child Abuse Commission Report - Shame

Because I state that the church doesn't approve or encourage rape and that priests are not infallible you deduce that I take the teachings of Christ as a personal philosophy??
Terrible crimes were committed by evil men and women that is a fact, what is far from fact is that the church represents an institution that is a breeding ground for perverts. To take such a narrow view of the church misses the point and this argument is frequently used to batter the church as awhole rather than examine the role of the church with an open mind.
The Roman Catholic Church encourages and aids and abets rape and abuse and neglect by
1. Allowing abusers into their organisation
2. When they discover them moving them on
3. Covering up for them
4. Forgiving them
5. Calling them ill
6. Not reporting them to the gardai
7. Having the 'Roman Catholics' in the judiciary, health board, education board, government on their side

The Church is as we speak trying to say it's only x percent of the organisation that is say a paedophile/abuser, they don't say that nearly 100% of their organisation goes along with it and are just as guilty. In any case it seems very particular to the Roman Catholic Church as the equivalent Protestant organisation did not have anything like the same percentage of abusers.

People should ask themselves the following questions:
1. Why is it not mandatory the reporting of any abuse to the gardai
2. Why should an organisation that is systematic in it's abuse be allowed today to have anything to do with children or vulnerable sections of society
3. Why when the Church negotiates with the state is it not clarified if the person acting on behalf of the state is independant.
4. Why doesn't the Church have a moral obligation to report abuse
5. Why doesn't the Church automatically disbar any abusers from it's organisation
6. Why doesn't the Church even today feel it has the moral obligation to pay the victims of abuse. They are very quick to give us moral guidence in all other aspects of our lives.
7. Why doesn't the Church today report abusers to the gardai, including those that were abusers in the past. They know who they are.

I was wondering about the legal status/Charitable status of the Roman Catholic organisations, I assume they have a special tax status, as they have not been in any way Charitable the Revenue Commissioners might want to go back on their tax affairs (into the mists of time as is their right) to tax them on the profits they made on the sweat, tears and blood of children.

It is quite extraordinary that one single solitary Garda has been appointed to see if prosecutions can be taken. We are taking about multiple rapes, depravation, abuse, murder, neglect. Is the Garda independant etc.

I cannot get the image of the guy who set himself on fire to the death on Hamstead Heath out of my head. Peter Tyrell.
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Agree 100%. Time to freeze their assets, make a stand against this vile evil. Its a shame that the CC seems to carry so much power in Ireland. This story is ruining our country's reputation around the world.

Did anyone see that old man on Q&A last night? His words brought a lump to my throat. You can see just what these so called 'Christians' have done to him - he is a broken man.

Just saw it now on youtube. That took great courage. Incredible.

I agree with you 100%

systematic rape and abuse by any other organization would lead to the cesation of that org and the freezing of its assets and a full CRIMINAL invetigation.
If the good people of these orders want to continue teir good work let them under a different guise!!
Now is not the time for asking these people (the "religious"), just GO IN THEIR AND SHUT THEM DOWN AND TAKE THIER BLOOD MONEY OFF THEM!!! for god's sake find justice for the victims!!!!
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We suffered less under British rule. I wonder are we all becoming protestants now ? I mean wasn't protestantism born from clerics protesting at 'corruption' in the catholic church and not accepting that the pope was God's representative on earth because he didn't practice what he preached.

Where is the God that destroyed the bad people of Sodom & Gomarra and turned people to salt (for looking back)? Did he not see Letterfrack, Artane, Daingean?

I dont know. I just feel sick these days.
This morning on Newstalk a nun (Mary Ann O Connor) was asked straight questions by Ivan Yates and Claire Byrne. She fudged and on one occasion said she did not understand the question. The question was not a trick and had less than twenty words. A clerical bean counter, she exhibited no emotion in her voice, came up with stock answers and was a disgrace to womankind. Protecting the purse strings of the orders is what CORI is about. She refused to answer who her boss was, hiding behind that well known religious get out of jail card - canon law. This is mumbo jumbo. Decisions can be made quite quickly when necessary. The recent excommunications in Brazil prove that. This, here in Ireland, has been rumbling on for so long. Initiatives have been stymied by the church. It's within the government's power to confiscate assests, freeze bank accounts and remove the tax breaks.
Can anyone answer this question; Why is nobody being investigated and charged for these crimes?

Is it because they took place a long time ago?
Can anyone answer this question; Why is nobody being investigated and charged for these crimes?

Is it because they took place a long time ago?
Because the political will isn't there. Just wait and see, if the whole country rise up in arms about this and politicians see that there are votes to be got, then you will get action.
I watched and listened to that last night and it sent shivers down my spine.
To be honest it scared the hell out of me just listening to it.

You werent the only one! I dont think I have been as moved as I was watching rte last night.

Very brave of him to tell his story so well.

CORI are in the business of morality but they are showing themselves to be hypocrites.
Can anyone answer this question; Why is nobody being investigated and charged for these crimes?

Is it because they took place a long time ago?

As far as I know the report is being looked at by the guards but they are in an impossible situation. It is very unlikely that any criminal charges can be brought at this stage. Does anyone know if there is a block on people bringing individual civil suits against the Religious Orders and the State or does everything have to go through the redress board? I am not sure how the legislation was set up.

By the way, is it true that Michael Woods is a member of Opus Dei? Just thought that I would throw that conspiracy out there!
I read an article recently - on line - that he is a member. However, I think that he himself has denied it. About getting help from the Gardai? Well, it has been argued over the years that anyone above the rank of Super, would shall we say, have a special relationship with opus dei members.

That might be a conspiracy theory too far for me!!
To be fair, you can't blame for the Guards for this mess. They didn't give the Christian Brothers immunity for testifying at the commission and they don't decide if charges can be brought.
By the way, there are a lot of victims out there that don't want a criminal investigation launched as well. Alot of victims testified to the confidential committee because they simply wanted an official forum in which they were listened to.
Is the CORI the same organisation that has been part of the social partnership? Wasn't there some priest/bishop from CORI advising the government on economic poliy after McCreevy was shipped off to Brussels and Bertie became a socialist?
Is the CORI the same organisation that has been part of the social partnership? Wasn't there some priest/bishop from CORI advising the government on economic poliy after McCreevy was shipped off to Brussels and Bertie became a socialist?

Yep, they are the ones! Anyone else think it strange that over the past few years all the Religious Orders seem to have placed their assets in Trusts. Almost like they knew what was coming! They obviously got good financial and legal advice.

Having said that, the various religious orders do a lot of good in this Country in areas like education and health. Not suggesting in any way that this atones for their past sins but it is worth remembering.
Libby Purves wrote a very good article yesterday in TIMESONLINE.
I still wonder how it comes that we have not expelled the people responsible for this mess and cover up from the country. Send them to their own state (Vatican City).

If you ask me it’s time to expel the Papal Nuncio, as long as a foreign state and their organisations and representatives are hindering the prosecution of child molesters they have no place in this country.

I fully agree that it’s time to address this on an easy basis.

You did a crime – you do the time.

You helped with the crime – you do the time.

And if we can’t prosecute an individual because an organisation is covering up for them it’s time to call them what they are – a criminal organisation or in this case criminal enterprise. In the US I would call for a RICO investigation, but I think our CAB would be overwhelmed with that as the Bank Fiasco show.

To give tax shelters/benefits or even a limit to their financial responsibility for making good towards the victims is outrages. Instead of doing this we should revoke the tax benefits for the period in question and treat those years as if they have been a criminal enterprise.

But maybe I just see it too simple.