Chickens on the Road


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'What the pluck is going on?' - one drivers reaction to the 5000 chickens on the road in Cavan after the truck in which they were been transported was in an accident.

Heres another one:
What do you call a chicken in a shellsuit?
An Egg.

I wonder did they hatch a plan?
All the cavan people are out on the road hoping to pick up free eggs for breakfast.
I'm heading up to Cavan at the weekend if anybody wants me to pick up a few.
OK, enough with the bad puns, already...

I just want to know that some amateur cameraman, somewhere in Cavan, has recorded this event (and the subsequent clean-up) for posterity, because verbal descriptions just can't possibly do justice to it...

To whoever might have said footage — I suspect this is a HUGE-ly lucrative opportunity. This thing should definitely be in all the 'Reviews of the year, 2005', come early January..!

Twas on the RTE six o'clock news tonight.
Damn and blast! What was the video footage — just a few Cavan-based gardaí scooping up the mess afterwards? Because the actual event itself must have been a cinematographic feast...
Henny Penny said:
Don't you mean an oeuf with the bad puns?
Groan... but touché!

[Edit: Have any cat-owners suddenly noticed an empty basket with a note in it saying 'Gone to Cavan for the weekend, seeya Monday...'?]
Re: just one more bad egg

Did I hear it referred to just now on the 9 0 clock news as the Crate Escape and how a few not captured were laying low at the moment?

Must have imagined it!

Looking forward to that on Reeling in the years Adds a whole new meaning to (Chicken Run)