Chickens on the Road


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'What the pluck is going on?' - one drivers reaction to the 5000 chickens on the road in Cavan after the truck in which they were been transported was in an accident.

Heres another one:
What do you call a chicken in a shellsuit?
An Egg.

I wonder did they hatch a plan?
All the cavan people are out on the road hoping to pick up free eggs for breakfast.
OK, enough with the bad puns, already...;)

I just want to know that some amateur cameraman, somewhere in Cavan, has recorded this event (and the subsequent clean-up) for posterity, because verbal descriptions just can't possibly do justice to it...

To whoever might have said footage — I suspect this is a HUGE-ly lucrative opportunity. This thing should definitely be in all the 'Reviews of the year, 2005', come early January..! :D
DrMoriarty said:
OK, enough with the bad puns, already...;)

I just want to know that some amateur cameraman, somewhere in Cavan, has recorded this event (and the subsequent clean-up) for posterity, because verbal descriptions just can't possibly do justice to it...

To whoever might have said footage — I suspect this is a HUGE-ly lucrative opportunity. This thing should definitely be in all the 'Reviews of the year, 2005', come early January..! :D

Twas on the RTE six o'clock news tonight.
Damn and blast! What was the video footage — just a few Cavan-based gardaí scooping up the mess afterwards? Because the actual event itself must have been a cinematographic feast...
Henny Penny said:
Don't you mean an oeuf with the bad puns?
Groan... but touché! :D

[Edit: Have any cat-owners suddenly noticed an empty basket with a note in it saying 'Gone to Cavan for the weekend, seeya Monday...'?]
Re: just one more bad egg

Did I hear it referred to just now on the 9 0 clock news as the Crate Escape and how a few not captured were laying low at the moment?

Must have imagined it!

Looking forward to that on Reeling in the years :D Adds a whole new meaning to (Chicken Run)