Chickens in suburban garden


Registered User
I was pretty amazed to find someone keeping chickens in a garden close to me.Is this kind of thing allowed-I mean where is the line drawn-a couple of pigs-a cow etc:D
can't see it being any better/worse than having dogs in the garden. From once they're not making too much noise surely it isn't a problem.
pnh said:
I was pretty amazed to find someone keeping chickens in a garden close to me.
I know of plenty of instances of people keeping chickens in their suburban Dublin gardens.

And - no - they are not voodoo practising illegal immigrants before somebody suggests as much.
I'm pretty sure there are clauses in your house deeds stating that
chickens are not allowed to be kepy on the property, call your
solicitor or if the house is rented contact their landlord?

you can't just keep any animal in your back garden, there have
to be rules somewhere? I wonder if keeping a sheep in the back
garden would be cheaper than running a lawnmover?:rolleyes:
kiwijbob said:
I'm pretty sure there are clauses in your house deeds stating that
chickens are not allowed to be kepy on the property
Are you referring to private estates with management company leases circumscribing what is and is not allowed? Or normal freehold deeds?
I wonder if keeping a sheep in the back
garden would be cheaper than running a lawnmover?:rolleyes:
I had a friend in primary school whose family kept a pet lamb in their back garden. Of course this was a few years ago now...
Okay -now lets hold on a minute-ckeck my post-I never said it was a
problem.Having lived in the Greater Dublin area for a good many years I had not come across it before.Therefore I was amazed to quite accidentally discover it -they dont bother me at all;)
But we then wondered where in fact you draw the line in a suburban garden?
Maybe I am out of touch -but I thought it unusual.
This is explicitly forbidden in the terms of Dublin leasehold properties. Once you buy the freehold, these terms no longer apply. If the chickens are part of acommercial enterprise, then I think it may be a different story.

Play your cards right pnh, and it's cheap free range eggs in it for you!
Leo said:
This is explicitly forbidden in the terms of Dublin leasehold properties. Once you buy the freehold, these terms no longer apply.

In the same way that keeping any animals/pets is usually forbidden in apartment/house leases in Dublin nowadays. Chickens would be less annoying than dogs in most back gardens, imho.
ClubMan said:
I know of plenty of instances of people keeping chickens in their suburban Dublin gardens.

And - no - they are not voodoo practising illegal immigrants before somebody suggests as much.

Really? So you are saying its not uncommon in Dublin suburbia?Well that is news to me.
But really how far could you go with this.Anyone remember a sitcom years ago
(they repeat it occasionally ) called The Good Life?They pretty much had a small farm in their London suburban garden-must sign off here and go milk the cows:D
Where I live there are two houses where I regularly hear cocks crowing. Not sure if they keep hens as well !
euroDilbert said:
Where I live there are two houses where I regularly hear cocks crowing. Not sure if they keep hens as well !

Not much point having a cock and no hens I would have thought. Please dont ask me to explain the reason.;) :D
A neighbour of mine keeps a cockerel. When we moved in a couple of years ago, I thought I was hearing things, but we get the cock-a-doodle-doo wake up calls in the mornings.
As I understand it anyone keeping chickens or any other poultry even for their own use need to register with the Dept of Agriculture under avian flu prevention regulations. There are all kinds of measures required under these regarding housing, disinfecting, etc.
In commuterville these days I'd be happier if my neighbours kept chickens than the dogs that a lot of them do... With most people leaving at 6-7am and getting back at 7pm+ I just think its cruel on dogs! I occasionally work from home and most of the poor things seem to spend most of their time howling and barking, do dogs get stress??? These ones seem to be stressed. At least the chooks have some company.
Anyway, I wouldn't mind a few hens clucking around the place, nice fresh eggs, and if we get unexpected visitors there always 'something' to chuck on the barbie ;)
I am absolutely with you on that.I like dogs and would like to have one but with no one in the house on a lot of days I think it cruel to leave them aone for up to12 hours a day.As you say the dogs dont like it either-I hear them in my area when I am here.Some people seem to use them as just a burglar deterrent.
Yeh I gather from the news on RTE today that some people have snakes-a woman in Tallaght found a 6ft snake in her kitchen press
foxy said:
As I understand it anyone keeping chickens or any other poultry even for their own use need to register with the Dept of Agriculture under avian flu prevention regulations. There are all kinds of measures required under these regarding housing, disinfecting, etc.

A friend of mind has 6 Hens in her garden. She lives about 1 mile outside town. When she went to register her hens with the Dept. of Agriculture -
She had to fill in her maiden name on the form as well as her married name. I wonder why?
The free range eggs as well as been free are very nice.