checking the oil level in a diesel car


Registered User
Just got a 2.2 diesel, and I try to check a few items myself eg air, tyre wear, washer levels and oil. I was always told when checking the oil to let engine cool as oil level will be as in sump but I was told recently that with a diesel it is best if the dipstick shows level halfway betwen low and max BUT I was then told check when engine is warm!! ie after a run, stop go inside wait a few mins then ckeck oil level and this gives a more accurate reading.

By the way I always had dipstick reading at 3/4's for petrol just to be safe.

Anyone have ideas on the diesel engine oil checking procedure? And why is it so expesnive for these diesel synthetic oils??

Checking the level in a diesel is no different to a petrol.
Check it when cold,it should be 3/4 full to allow for expansion as the oil thins out when it heats up.
Diesel oil can be a little bit dearer because they put a detergent through it which suspends carbon and more in the oil rather than let it stick to the engine parts.
Literally cold? Do you not mean when the engine has had a reasonable run and then left to cool for about 20 minutes? I always thought this was the way to do it...:confused:

I don't mean it has to be stone cold.If you take it for a run and leave it for twenty mins most if not all the oil will have drained back to the sump by that time,theres no need to take it for a run! You can dip if when its hot if you like,you just don't get a 100% accurate reading.If you dip it when its hot it should be up to the max level,dip it when cold and it should be 3/4.
The sump in a car is filled with cold oil when it is serviced (unless its a F1 car). The service technician (new pc term for a mechanic apparently) checks the level and adjusts it when the oil, and now the egine because its hours later, is cold. For consistency, check it when it is cold.