Check Status of a Property


Registered User
Can an ordinary individual enquire if a property has been sold/purchased or does it involve a solicitor?
I guess calling to the EA dealing with the sale would clarify whether it has been sold or not.
You can do a search in the Land Registry to see if it's registered. If it is it will show the current registered owner, and if there are any dealings pending on it. It's all public record, so anyone can see who owns any registered property on payment of a small fee.

However, you should bear in mind that it may not be entirely up to date as sometimes it can be several months before solicitors send in the transfer for registration.
Can an ordinary individual enquire if a property has been sold/purchased or does it involve a solicitor?

Why do they want to know? Is it idle curiosity? Or is there a reason?

Its just such an odd question with no context. Its like asking if you can check if someone has sold or given their car away.
