Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Lidl.

Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

Sulo, welcome to modern Ireland. Like I said on other threads, many people nowadays do not want to suffer any inconveneience whatsoever. I bet this lady does this always. One thing is certain she wont be challenged by the check-out operator who will be sitting down suffering the minimum wage syndrome anyway.

Not only do I see this in supermarkets, I see it in airport queues, bus queues, and nearly everywhere else. Even on the road I see motorists lane jumping risking life and limb (of themselves and others) just to get ahead of the next person.

We have a country of intelligent people in nearly every way except in common sense.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

Really? An efficiency/time is money type thing? Their zeal makes sense now!

Yes, targets to be met. In her branch the monthly results were constantly on display to confirm who did/did not reach their targets.

I can't remember if it was Aldi or Lidl here that used to ask you to open your carrier bags for inspection at the till in case your had put things in soon stopped after complaints...

In our local Dunnes Stores there are signs on display to confirm that they do not allow people to use shopping bags while selecting their purchases. Basket or trolley and bags after payment. Have heard in the past that Dunnes in the The Square, Tallaght were the first branch to introduce tagging of clothes because the shoplifting was so bad. This has probably led to the basket/trolley rule also in local branches.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

I think we just have to accept that the world, and this includes the 'friendly' nation of Ireland, is full of gulpins and the idea of being civil, be it in the street, the supermarket or wherever, has gone out the window.

I see crabbit and rude customers in nearly every shop I go into these days. No-one has any time to be pleasant. And this goes for the staff serving me, who often can chat to their mate beside them or 50ft away across the shop while serving me, taking my money, giving me change, without ever speaking to me or making eye contact. And God forbid they should ever have to thank me for my custom.
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

We use to do that in college. We felt if we couldn't afford it, someone who could should buy it.

As a student you would have been well able to afford it. Just stop drinking for one night out of the seven!
Re: Check out Queues - pre stackers! Bad behaviour at supermarket queues. esp Aldi/Li

I worked in a supermarket in the run up to christmas, and one evening a drunk guy came in bought a load of stuff and DVD;s I rang it up then he discovered he'd no money. He runs home gets his money and comes back about 20 mins later, I had to stand there like an eejit waiting on him.
What bugged me most was the people who just threw food on the conveyor belt, piled high and it falling on the floor, it would come towards me like a tsunami. What also bugged me were the various charity baggers, who you knew did not really want to be there and would never shut up making small talk. The kids were o.k. but adult bag packers drove me insane with their reluctant dogoodery.
my command of the english language...noticed at last...hurrah