Check n'Go with Ryanair.


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I am travelling with Ryanair tomorrow with no hold luggage. I have printed off my Check n'Go outward boarding cards and outward priority boarding cards. The trouble is that I am unable to print off the same return items.
How are the priority boarding cards issued for the return leg of the journey? Am I given these at return check in or do I go to Ryanair ticket desk at the return airport to collect these?
I traveled with Ryanair recently and people (not myself) were issued with (Yellow) priority boarding cards after checking in, so it should be the same everywhere. Flew from Dublin to Tenerife and same proceedure from each destination.

How are the priority boarding cards issued for the return leg of the journey? Am I given these at return check in or do I go to Ryanair ticket desk at the return airport to collect these?

You can print boarding cards between 4 hrs and 2 days prior to your flight.
Bottom line is you most likely will need to access the Web at some stage before your return.

(I think the 2 days thing is somewhat flexible as I recently printed passes on a tuesday for a Friday flight)
When we got to Dublin Airport there was no seperate queue for priority boarding. An announcement was made for those with priority boarding cards to make their way to the top of the queue. If you happened to be somewhere toward the back of the queue it was almost impossible to make your way to the front due to the numbers of people blocking the way. As we were near the front we handed in our priority boarding card to one of the staff, however at the same time another member of the staff started collecting the non priority cards. The effect of this was that both priority and non priority were allowed to board at the same time. To make matters worse when we got on the plane the first six rows on both sides of the plane were blocked off so we were unable to choose these seats, the reason why we purchased the priority in the first place. Total waste of money.
Complain, as it seems you didn't get what you paid (extra?)for...

13.—(1) Where there is a contract for the sale of goods by description, there is an implied condition that the goods shall correspond with the description; and if the sale be by sample as well as by description, it is not sufficient that the bulk of the goods corresponds with the sample if the goods do not also correspond with the description.

Good luck though!
Slightly off subject, but I've just tried to book 2 return flights to Newcastle-upon-Tyne with Ryanair. Forty euro for the two. Then, as I went through the booking procedure, it defaulted to 'travel insurance' (a bit sneaky) which I refused. My problem is, though, we don't have any bags for check in and we don't want priority booking. However, when it come to the check-inbaggage section we are only offered 1 bag, 2 bags (etc) OR Zero bags Priorty Check-in. We're not offered just "zero bags". If we choose "zero bags - priority etc", there's a charge of 6 euro each for the priority booking which we don't require!! Is there any way around this?? I can't find any way out of it.
When you select "0 Bags..." it'll display a paragraph of text explaining the online checkin thingy. Toward the end of this paragraph it says something like "click here to cancel online check in and travel with zero bags".

Another sneaky way of increasing the revenue stream.
Just returned from Malmo with Ryanair. On the outward journey the check n'go worked fine although the priority queing system needs to be fine tuned. Yet again both the priority and non priority were let through the boarding gate at the same time as each other. If you were at the top of the priority queue you probably had two seconds ahead of everyone else. The flight was over an hour late leaving due to there being no pilot to fly the plane. When we got on board you could not sit on rows 3 or 4.
The return journey was a joke. We were lucky enough to be staying in a hotel that had internet available to it's guests. We had to copy and paste our check n'go details to our own email from the Ryanair website and then email them to the hotels email address where they were able to print them off in their office and give them to us. Another couple we met at the airport checked in via the internet but couldn't print the information in their hotel. When they arrived at the airport they were charged a "fee" for printing their boarding card.
When we got on the plane the first five rows of seats on both sides of the plane were "closed off". The air hostess was shouting at the people to move along to the back of the plane and to hurry up as "we only have a 25 minute turnaround" . Maybe if she had let people sit in the empty 30 seats at the front of the plane she wouldn't have had this problem.
When her colleague was doing the pre flight safety drill she was doing her utmost to make her laugh. She passed a comment at the bit where they talk about the oxygen masks saying "you will need to stop screaming at this point" in order to use the oxygen mask. At this point in time her colleague who was doing the demonstration broke down laughing and couldn't continue with the safety drill until she composed herself.
It was only during the flight that we sussed why the front 5 rows were closed off. The same air hostess that was providing the "theatre" spent over an hour of the two hour journey sitting in the front row behind the serving area with her book, magazine and packet of Pringles "as a passenger", yet the lady behind me was told that she couldn't have a drink until the trolley came around on the second leg of it's journey.
When you select "0 Bags..." it'll display a paragraph of text explaining the online checkin thingy. Toward the end of this paragraph it says something like "click here to cancel online check in and travel with zero bags".

Another sneaky way of increasing the revenue stream.

Is it possible to avail of online check-in if you select this option? Or is online check-in only possible if you avail of (and pay for) priority boarding as well?
AFAIK the reason the first rows are not used is for weight & balance of the aircraft.
AFAIK the reason the first rows are not used is for weight & balance of the aircraft.

Can you explain why on the outward journey rows 3 & 4 were closed but rows 1 & 2 were available? How would someone calculate this in respect of weight and balance? Who makes the weight calculations and decides what rows are closed off and what rows are left open?

On a recent Ryanair flight to Germany, when a lady asked why the first 5 rows were closed she was told by the air hostess that the flight wasn't full, no mention of weight and balance as an excuse.

Maybe someone from Ryanair might enlighten us.
I've seen rows 3 & 4 closed off to keep them for bookings from people with disabilities.
Sometimes they are no-shows, same as anyone else can be, and the seats don't get used.That can be frustrating when you're cramped in halfway up the plane, but it happens.

Usually if the first half-dozen or so rows are taped off though, that is indeed for weight distribution reasons. And that's the Captains' call.

I don't see why any of the flight crew would have to make "excuses" as you don't get an allocated seat on a Ryanair flight.
My theory is that it cuts a few minutes off the cabin-cleaning time, plain & simple. Suits the company, suits the cabin crew. Stuff the passengers!
When we got to Dublin Airport there was no seperate queue for priority boarding. An announcement was made for those with priority boarding cards to make their way to the top of the queue. If you happened to be somewhere toward the back of the queue it was almost impossible to make your way to the front due to the numbers of people blocking the way. As we were near the front we handed in our priority boarding card to one of the staff, however at the same time another member of the staff started collecting the non priority cards. The effect of this was that both priority and non priority were allowed to board at the same time. To make matters worse when we got on the plane the first six rows on both sides of the plane were blocked off so we were unable to choose these seats, the reason why we purchased the priority in the first place. Total waste of money.

Simple Solution - if you don't like how how they operate, don't fly with them. However, if you think the money saved is worth the hassle, then stop moaning about it. It's not as if Ryanair's lack of customer service is something new that we have all just discovered overnight.
I've seen rows 3 & 4 closed off to keep them for bookings from people with disabilities.

Usually if the first half-dozen or so rows are taped off though, that is indeed for weight distribution reasons. And that's the Captains' call.

There was this guy on the flight back walking with one crutch. When he got on the plane he appeared to be limping badly. He was allowed to sit in row 5. Those who had paid priority boarding weren't. After the flight had landed this guy was off the plane like a greyhound. If you travel with Ryanair regularily you will be aware of the long walk back to baggage reclaim from A area. I couldn't keep up with the guy on the walk back. I couldn't believe the nerve of the guy.

I am not sure if it's the Captain's call as to which rows are taped off. There was no pilot on the outward journey. He had phoned in sick. A replacement, standy by pilot was called in that resulted in an hours delay on take off. He appeared "breathless" on to the plane that had been sitting on the tarmac for half an hour with us on board. He wouldn't have had any say in which rows were to be taped off.
Ah, you see a few of those chancers alright. Infuriating.
Re your replacement Captain story....normally, the Captain "only" does the flying, and the co-pilot does all the paperwork, which would include flight loading.
All other things being equal though, I suspect Dr Moriarty has a sound point, I wouldn't be at all surprised if cabin crew squeezed us all together to make for quicker tidying between flights.
Complain, as it seems you didn't get what you paid (extra?)for...

13.—(1) Where there is a contract for the sale of goods by description, there is an implied condition that the goods shall correspond with the description; and if the sale be by sample as well as by description, it is not sufficient that the bulk of the goods corresponds with the sample if the goods do not also correspond with the description.

Good luck though!

I think all letters should be addressed to:

Minister for Consumer Affairs
Dept of Enterprise, Trade & Employment
23 Kildare Street
Dublin 2.
Telephone: +353 1 631 2121
LoCall: 1890 220 222
Fax: +353 1 631 2827

or submit your complaint here:

It's time we starting fighting back - Ryanair (amongst other airlines) have been getting away with far too much, for too long imho.

