Check-in time @ DUB for trans Atlantic flight


Registered User
Just wondering if any recent travellers can say how long is needed for check-in at Dublin for an American Airlines flight to Chicago, departing 10.35AM? Is three hours still necessary?
Are the security queues bad these days? What about US Immigration/Security delays?
American don't use the US immigration facility in Dublin so you will have to clear immigrations when you land in O'Hare.

If you don't have frequent flyer status with American I would still allow the three hours. We dropped visitors to the airport for that same flight last summer and the check in line was over 100 passengers long. Trans-Atlantic flights often start to board 45-60 mins before the departure time so really you won't have too much time to kill if all goes smoothly.

Security is hard to predict but arriving at 7.30 will have you in the airport at a very busy time and it's better to be safe than sorry. Queue was 45 mins when we did security in May at around 9am.
I have noticed Dublin Airport security getting busier recently with a lot of holiday traffic so perhaps you do need the additional time. Not only has the volume increased but the passenger profile has changed. Generally, people who travel regularly (which form a larger proportion in winter) take less time to get through the basics because they know the drill, holiday makers can sometimes be ... frustrating ... if you are a regular traveller

For the American flights, I would check online at the Dublin Airport website to see how many flights to the US are departing within an hour of your flight, I can see from the website that there certainly appears to be a few so I would bank on queuing for Customs and Borders for quite a while (New York 9.35, San Fran 9.50, New York 10.30, Chicago 10.35, Newark 10.55, Philidelphia 11.15, Boston 11.30).

Assuming a 9.30 - 11.30 departure window I would also check just how many flights are going out in general at that time, also I would look at the flight profile, are there several intercontinental flights? That means more persons per flight and hence a bigger queue at security.

I think it is safe to say you may not turn out to need to be there three hours beforehand but I don't think that two hours would be sensible either. It's a pain but I'd stick with the recommended time.

Oh and the DAA are not giving out the free bags for liquids, gels, pastes anymore. It now costs a euro for two bags in an annoying ball. Be sure to bring your own!
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Good point shesells, I'd forgotten American don't use Customs in Dublin. Still holds true about the volumes though - I'd be there the three hours before hand.
Excellent advice. Thank you everybody.
If I knew AA no longer use Immigration services at Dublin, I had completely forgotten!
It's a pain waiting around but you're right, sticking with the three hours check-in is the most sensible thing.
I went through Dublin Airport last Thursday morning (Ryanair flight at 9.30am), arrived at security at 8.10am or so (had already checked in online) and it took 25 mins to get through security. By the time I went through the security "door", the queue behind me was at least twice as long as it had been when I joined it.

Didn't help my blood pressure when I heard on the radio as I drove to the airport that 100 people had missed flights the day before I travelled because of queues at security!
Got the flight on a saturday a few weeks ago -was in the airport for 8ish and was checked in and through security within the hour no problem had almost 2 hours after security. You dont do immigration before that flight so loads of time