Cheapest way to pay for purchase in USD


Registered User
I plan to make a purchase costing $11,000 in person in the USA. I'm researching what the cheapest way to pay for this might be in terms of minimising currency exchange fees . As far as I can see if I use a credit card for the transaction I'll be charged a fee of circa 2.7% / €300 for this purchase. My debit card has a maximum charge of €11.43 for debit charge purchases in a foreign currency. Obviously the debit card wins hands down in that comparison. The exchange rate itself will be another factor and I wondered if something like Revolut might offer better exchange rates?
I imagine you'll probably hit daily transaction limits with a Irish debit card which might make things awkward. Think the limit is €2500 on my card.

Revolut doesn't seem to have a spending limit. Note you get a worse rate on weekends from Revolut. Maybe a Wise account and card would also work but I don't know if they have limits. I'd expect better FX rates from both Revolut and Wise than an Irish bank though.

I'd make sure I had a back up plan though in case the transaction get declined and you can't fix it while there - getting support from Revolut/Wise is not something I'd rely on on the spot.
I second the recommendation for Wise or Revolut. I've used both, although not for anything as expensive as that.

Never struck me that there would be a daily spending limit on the debit card . I assumed that if the money was in my account I would be able to spend it! I'd nearly be tempted to take cash at this stage!

Hadn't heard of Wise so thanks for that, I will check them out.

I wonder if the old-fashioned bank draft is still a thing?
Just answered my own question - bank drafts seem to be alive and well. That might be the way to go rather than worrying on the day whether the transaction is going to go through via Revolut/Wise.