Cheapest way to convert euro to Sterling


Registered User
I'm going to London for a weekend . Should I convert my euro to sterling before I go . Or is it as sensible to just use my ulster bank debit card for purchases and cash withdrawals?
Yeah, the top post in that thread applies to the UK as well.

That post pre-dates the arrival of Revolut and Number 26.

  • Getting a Revolut card and using it in the UK is your best option.
  • Converting cash is the worst option.
  • If you do not want to get a Revolut card, then using your cards in the UK as per details in the above mentioned thread.
One point to note for Ulster Bank. They do not charge any etf (about 2.5% up to a max of something) fee if you withdraw from a RBS or Natwest ATM. So if you don't have time to get a Number26 or Resolute then just withdraw from these to save a few bob.
Also dont use the ATM's at the airport that are run by a bank, the exchange rate is shocking. Wait till you get to town and use an ATM at a bank. The REVOLUT card is brilliant if you get a chance to order it before you go.
The FX rate, at the ATM, is determined by the cardholders bank, not the bank abroad unless you choose to accept a FX rate at the ATM. One is best not accepting the ATM FX rate and letting the cardholders bank do the FX.
I had an issue at an airport where I had to select the ATMs conversion rate which was shocking, when I tried to choose to let my bank select the rate if kept spitting out the card.

I had no option but to accept the extortionate rate as I needed cash to pay for a prebooked hackney.