Cheapest Mortgage Provider??



Can anyone recommend a mortgage provider to which i can make extra payments online when i have spare cash? I'm with ics and have to write to them to increase or decrease extra payments. Also, I dont want to pay high fees to change company.
Hi McBren,
[broken link removed] can be used for online payments to their ECB tracker or Variable Rate Mortgages. I used to make regular top-ups weekly and fortnightly. You'd be amazed how much bang for your buck you can get from even an extra 20 euro a week into the mortgage.

I had an ECB tracker and switched to the 3 year fixed - which will not accept "bullet" payments - as you will find with any credit institution.

I think you may have to have a current account with NIB to do the online payment to your mortgage acc.

A point to note, NIB starts selling an ECB tracker deposit with instant access at ECB rate (currently 2.5%) + a margin from next week. I think there is no minimum, but 50k max - if your'e luck enough to have it! You could use this acc. to dump your salary into, pay mortgage out of it as needed and make savings on both deposit and mortgage interest...

This beats the hassle of having money in Northern Rock where you have to wait the couple of days of the clearing cycle before your money gets to and from them.