Cheaper SDSL ?



Wanted to tag this on to the end of a thread on SDSL that was knocking around a while ago but just cant find it .....

Had a call from Leap (?) trying to sell SDSL. So far as I could determine rack rate for 1Meg full duplex with no data limit was 80/month.

Limited at present to Crown Alley & Beggars Bush exchanges. Seems there is some trial at these two locations.

Also offered higher data rates

Not really my cup of tea so I didnt try to go into any details with the Rep_person

I mentioned esatBT's SDSL offerings here a while back but can't find the topic either. To recap the following were the charges quoted to me in January (apologies for the small print!):
SDSL Connection Charge&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 
256k/512k   €700.00 
1Mb/2Mb     €1,250.00 
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 
SDSL Speeds Annual Rental
256k        €3,985
512k        €5,515 
1Mb         €7,670 
2Mb         €10,760 

General Conditions:
<!--EZCODE LIST START--><ol><li>SDSL is subject to approval by Esat BT _GIS</li><li>SDSL is only available from Esat BT DSL enabled exchanges</li><li>SDSL is a non contended service 1:1</li><li>Trial period to run from 4 weeks from date of customer installation and handover.</li><li>Customer will not be billed for the 4 week trial period.</li><li>If customer wishes to proceed with service after 4 week trial period standard charges will apply from this date forward. Minimum contract term is 12 months.</li><li>Esat BT install an Ericsson HM800 as standard. This provides a bridged ethernet interface</li><li>SDSL requires a fully unbundled  ULMP order.</li></ol><!--EZCODE LIST END-->