Cheap & Reliable Landline Service Required Please


Registered User

Just wondering how you've found the various landline providers & if you can recommend one for home telephone use.

We don't have any specific requirements, other than:

* Eircom Phonewatch must work with them
* We want to retain our existing number
* Cheaper Bills
* Reliable Services
* Reasonable / Good Customer Services

I've had mailshots from the likes of Perlico etc and am wondering is this the way to go, of should I just stick with Eircom and feel hard done by each time the phone bill comes in.

All help much appreciated,


You will need to keep your line with Eircom if you want to keep Eircom Phonewatch, soPerlico wouldnt suit you. Euphony offer unlimited landline calls throught the whole of Ireland and Northern Ireland for €10 a month.

Thanks for the reply dillon1876. Why must I have Eircom for this, it's only a telephone call by the alarm system, but should not matter who I pay for the phonecall surely ?


I have ISDN (I know, snore ) ... but it's invoiced seperately to the landline telephone bill.


Originally posted by Dillon 1876
You will need to keep your line with Eircom if you want to keep Eircom Phonewatch

That's not quite correct! I have Eircom's Phonewatch so before getting Bband I arranged for an Eircom technician to call and split the line which cost ~ €99. AFAIK some people are able to do this themselves.

Subsequently I switched from Eircom to Utv and I'm happy with Utv - local, national and UK calls are free off-peak and weekends. (Have no idea how it works with ISDN.) From reading on AAM, EsatBT is the cheapest (?) for line rental, calls and Bb because of a special offer for a few months but then people complain about their billing system. It seems to be a case of tweedle dum and tweedle dee.

Sorry, please forgive me as I'm not overly "technical" but what exactly do you mean by "split the line" ? ... I can't beleive they got away with charging you €99 to continue to provide their service, for which you pay them already - makes me wonder, what options to Eircom Phonewatch are there also, if it's true ?

