can anyone mention where I can get cheap personal Loan from at a low interest rate of 7.5% approx or lower? Tesco Personal Finance seems to be one the cheaper ones...
If you are a member of the EBS then it might be worth checking out their Members Personal Loans and/or LifeChoice Loans (I think that the latter may be secured on property though as the rates of c. 3-5% look too low for unsecured loans). Check with your local Credit Union and ask them to quote you an APR that includes the cost of any money that you must hold on deposit or in shares while borrowing from them.
Yeah, it certainly looks from their website ([broken link removed]) that EBS are confining the LifeChoice product not merely to members but to members who have their mortgage with the society.
Could you imagine the situation if they offered these rates ([broken link removed]) to all members, irrespective of with which institution they held their mortgage? It would destroy, at a stroke, all the personal loan competitors in the market - at last, a real result for mutuality.