Cheap options for International calls/texts - Mobile/Internet




My girlfriend is heading off travelling for a year and I'm looking at options for staying in touch when away from my pc/laptop. I want to keep the costs down when I'm out and about and want to make calls/texts from my mobile. Anyone any suggestions? Also considering getting an iPhone/iPod Touch - are there options using either of these also - Wifi/Mobile Internet?

In terms of texting, if your girlfriend is carrying her Irish mobile, then a text won't cost you any more than it would if she were here - so you can use whatever text bundle you might already have. Her texts back to you will cost more though.
Thanks both.

I'm shooting over to boards to check the info on mobivox and I'll post here how I get on.

And I was thinking if she took her mobile, I could keep it topped up for her and would be able to send cheap texts, even send free webtexts online.
If its Australia go on the Vodafone network for your mobile, 30 cent a minute to a mobile, pay as you go, really worth it as you'll end up ringing from your mobile most of the time no matter how determined you are not too